Holden meet Houston, Houston meet Holden! (Ok, were Trey and I crazy to name these two so similarly or what? Let's just say they've both been called each other's names many times.) At first, Houston didn't really seem to care much about Holden. He was readjusting to being home again after staying with his "second family", the Betts family. After a couple of days and some lengthy cries by Holden, Houston learned the little guy was going to stick around. Houston became very needy and wanted to be around me at all times. Every time Holden cries, Houston comes up and licks me as if to say, "Mom, the baby is crying, what are you going to do?" He really is a sensitive dog.
As you can see, Holden didn't love his first bath. In fact, he hated having his body washed and cried through the whole thing. We went as fast as we could. But to our surprise, as soon as we started washing his hair he got really quiet and seemed to LOVE it. All in all, the first bath was a success - he was clean and we still had our sanity!
Holden went to his first pediatrician appointment on Thursday, March 2nd, two days after coming home. He checked out perfectly and was back to his birth weight!
While we were at our first doctor's appointment, Nana Judy went to the bookstore to buy Holden a book, Little Quack. She gave Holden his first read aloud. He slept through the whole thing, but I'm sure he remembers it. He still loves being read to and Little Quack is one of his favorites. Another one he loves right now is Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? given to him by the Conley family.
I love the blog Jenn! You've journaled so many great moments that I feel like I was there for each of them. Thanks!
Gene - get a picture of Holden and your hands (like Jenn's above) on the changing table for Cronin. Send it to him and see his reaction. Oh, don't be afraid to get a little poop on your hand as a special affect.....Cronin might even pass out from the looks of a man's hands on that table, let alone the special affects.
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