Monday, April 24, 2006

2 Month Stats

Holden is two months old today! He woke up happy - full of smiles and giggles. We had his 2 month well visit to Dr. Rubenstein this morning. Here are his stats this month (and last months - for comparison):
...................ONE MONTH OLD.................TWO MONTHS OLD
Height.......................21 3/4 in. .......................................23 3/4 in.
Height Percentile........25%...................................................80%

Weight......................9 lb 0 oz............................................10 lb 8 oz
Weight Percentile......50%....................................................25%

Head Circumference....37 cm................................................38 cm
Circ. Percentile.............25%...................................................25%

Percentile Explanation
For all of you out there that aren't parents yet, here's an explanation of how the percentile is calculated. Basically, they compare your babies stats with 100 other babies the same age. So, let's take Holden's One Month Height for example: Holden, at 21 3/4 inches tall, was taller than 25 of those 100; 75 were taller than him. Now, at two months, he is taller than 80 of those 100 babies his same age. Get it?

Holden was a good boy throughout the whole visit, and then it came time for the immunizations. He started fussing right before the nurse came in with the shots. He received FIVE immunizations today: Hepatitus B, Prevnar, DaPT (diptherea - sp?), HIB, and Polio. He's been sleepy all day, but not too fussy. He'll get all of them again at his 4 month visit minus the Hep B.

The developmental milestones for the next visit are:
  • reaching well for objects
  • following our movements AND voice with his eyes
  • moving arms and legs equally
  • social smile and laughing
  • may be rolling over

Sorry, no 2 month picture yet. He slept on me all day, and is now already in bed.


Blogger Anna Davis said...

With height and weight statistics like that, Holden could be a baby supermodel. I think you should get him on the runway.

6:12 AM  

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