Memorial Day

Holden's first Memorial Day was spent on Del Mar Beach. I was nervous to bring him down to the beach, not because I was afraid of anything happening to him, but because I didn't know how we were going to manage taking care of him all day. In fact I said to Trey just before arriving, "What are we going to do with him!?!" We brought his Bumbo seat, his carseat, and the Baby Bjorn and they all seemed to get us through the day. Trey also stopped off at Radio Shack on our way to get Holden his own handheld radio. He's a white noise kind of kid, so Trey found a nice static station (no joke). He listened while falling asleep. The static combined with the sound of the real ocean waves worked like a charm. We managed to keep him happy, and caring for him turned out to be a little easier than I thought it would be.
Jenn-You look fantastic!!! Ingenuity will get you through those unsure moments and sounds like you and Trey thought of everything. Good job!
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