Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Cage Comes Down

It was finally time to take the cage down and baby-proof our house. Trey and I waited as long as we possibly could to baby-proof because the task seemed daunting and overwhelming, but Holden was becoming increasingly frustrated while "cooped up" in our little corraled living room area. We quickly learned that we needed him to stay out of the office (lots of cords), the fireplace, and away from our stereo equipment. We broke apart the big gate and were able to block both doorways to the office, the fireplace and the stereo equipment - it worked out perfectly. We also got magnetic locks for the kitchen cabinets. They are the adhesive type, so if we move we can take them with us (a good thing, because they were a pretty penny!). Luckily, they are super strong too. Trey and I are still getting used to having to unlock the cupboards with a magnetic key; you should have seen us getting ready this morning! Holden loves his expanded play area, and to our surprise he's started walking more. First, he walked the perimeter of the house, holding onto all the walls. By the afternoon, he was letting go more often to take steps on his own. He would take about 4 or 5 steps in a row. This afternoon after school (day 2 of no cage), he was walking all over. I would say he's walking about 50% of the time now. He falls a lot but he gets right back up and keeps trying. Toddle, toddle away Holden!

Time to baby-proof!

Wall Walking

Here he goes.....


Blogger Anna Davis said...

Go Holden Go! He is going to be running around by the time of his 1st bday. I cant wait to see him toddling around in person. We also had to baby proof this weekend.

p.s. Jenn, in the picture of Holden sitting in the drawer he looks like pics I've seen of you as a baby.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness he's getting so big!! I miss you guys, but it looks like he's doing well!!! =) Give him hugs & kisses for me!!!

Love, Lynsi

10:38 PM  

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