Riding with No Training Wheels!
On January 8th, Trey took Holden out to practice riding his big boy bike with no training wheels. Since Christmas, they had been practicing and Holden was doing well. Trey would let go for short amounts of time while running behind him, and Holden would ride for short distances independently before falling. Well, on this particular day, Holden was goofing off by being squirrely and silly on his bike. Trey thought, I'm just going to let him go. Let him fall and figure it out. To his surprise, Holden took off around the block, never falling. Trey had to RUN to keep up with him. They came in and got me and I went out to photograph the event. When Holden rode by me, he would yell,"Take a picture, Mom!" Trey still needs to help him get started, but once he's on he just goes! He's even learned to use the brakes to stop. Yes, our kid is not potty trained but he is riding a two-wheeled bike with no training wheels. Go figure!

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