Saturday, August 15, 2009

8 Months Old

Cash is eight months old. He is a very happy, easy going baby. He's got such a great personality and loves to make people laugh, especially Holden. They crack each other up, and roll around on the floor together. Their playtime usually ends with Cash pulling Holden's hair and sucking on his face. I love seeing these brothers together.

Cash is sleeping great from 7 pm to about 6:30 am. He takes two solid naps a day around 8:30 and 1:30. He eats three meals of fruits and veggies and drinks 24-28 ounces of formula a day. He has lost his chunky figure and has grown really tall. I think he'll be over the 100th percentile for height at his next appointment. Cash still has NO teeth. They are right below his gum line. In fact, I can see fully formed teeth right there, but they've still not cut through. Everyday I'm sure they're going to pop through but it just isn't happening. I think once the first one cuts through, they're all going to pop out. Little Cash looks like an old guy without his dentures in; he sits around chomping his gums together. Come 'on already teeth!

Cash is definitely on the move but is not officially crawling on his eight month birthday. We moved his crib mattress down due to his increased mobility. He got in and the first thing he did was stand up in it. I ran down to get the camera, and he did sort of stand up again, but not like the first time.


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