Oh Houston!

Today while we were at a doctor appointment for Holden, Houston got into a little trouble. We forgot to shut the door to our room, where Houston stays, from the rest of the house. When we got home we found he had eaten about a half can of formula. Since 95% of our house is tile this wouldn't seem like a big problem, aside from a dog with a tummy ache. But our sweet Houston took the formula to the small part of carpet (new carpet, I might add) we do have. He chewed the can into pieces and licked all of the formula up off the carpet. He also ate all of the the kitty's food and drank all his water. Oh, Houston! You can also check out his new summer cut in the picture above. We were sick of the fur balls everywhere from his constant shedding. The cut is not too dramatic, which I guess is good. He looks clean and cute. Now if he just wasn't so mischievous......
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