The Stuff In Between
A lot happened this summer that I just didn't blog because we were moving and didn't have Internet service. Here was the stuff in between 17 and 18 months - July and August.
Holden was in heaven when we rolled up the doors and started moving stuff into the PODS. For a while they were his own personal little playrooms. He saw toys he hadn't seen in a while and even got to ride on daddy's makeshift dolly, his very 80's skateboard.

Once we were moved out, we went to the beach house for a week. Trey had to work a lot but Holden and I had a great time lounging on Del Mar beach. He had his friends over for some good playtime too. I love the picture of Holden and Carter eating their snacks and watching the big kids at Surf Camp right next to us.

Holden's friends: Carter Sammis, 3.5 years; Holden, 1.5 yrs; Gavin Conley, 10.5 months, Paxton Sammis, 6 months.
After the beach house, Trey left for flight school and Holden and I went to Visalia to see my family. I had a major melt-down the first couple of days because I was so overwhelmed with moving. I was lucky to be with my family at that time. I didn't take many pictures but it was a nice mellow trip. My mom, grandma and I took Holden to Chuck E. Cheese one day while we were there; and I'm not sure who had more fun - Holden or my mom and I. We became ticket fiends, and after a while would only play the games where we could get the most tickets. Holden was oblivious to the whole ticket craze, but lucky for him - he walked out with one silver pom-pom and three Tootsie Rolls (which we ate). We went to Amanda's baby shower before heading back to San Diego.

Holden was in heaven when we rolled up the doors and started moving stuff into the PODS. For a while they were his own personal little playrooms. He saw toys he hadn't seen in a while and even got to ride on daddy's makeshift dolly, his very 80's skateboard.
Once we were moved out, we went to the beach house for a week. Trey had to work a lot but Holden and I had a great time lounging on Del Mar beach. He had his friends over for some good playtime too. I love the picture of Holden and Carter eating their snacks and watching the big kids at Surf Camp right next to us.
After the beach house, Trey left for flight school and Holden and I went to Visalia to see my family. I had a major melt-down the first couple of days because I was so overwhelmed with moving. I was lucky to be with my family at that time. I didn't take many pictures but it was a nice mellow trip. My mom, grandma and I took Holden to Chuck E. Cheese one day while we were there; and I'm not sure who had more fun - Holden or my mom and I. We became ticket fiends, and after a while would only play the games where we could get the most tickets. Holden was oblivious to the whole ticket craze, but lucky for him - he walked out with one silver pom-pom and three Tootsie Rolls (which we ate). We went to Amanda's baby shower before heading back to San Diego.
wow! you guys had such a busy summer... holden looks so cute... like such a little "surfer guy" at the beach. i can't wait to see your new home.
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