Scooter Time
Our new neighborhood is the absolute best! We have moved onto a street with twelve kids (and counting - construction is complete on only half of the street) between the ages of one week and five years old. Holden has six boys his same age. Every night we go out to play from about 4:30 to 6:00. Us parents hang out (and sometimes indulge in cocktails) while the boys play. Some of the older boys have scooters, and Holden quickly became interested in them. He started ditching his airplane toy for their scooters, and soon we were in tug-o-wars over the scooters. A trip to Toys R Us was a top priority for us to end the battle of the scooters. Holden needed his own. He's now a scootering fool, and it's so fun to watch all these little guys scoot, scoot around. I took some pictures and took some video. I am attemping to upload the video here but am not sure if it's going to work. All the other neighborhood boys were inside while we were taking the video, so you'll have to see Holden's video debut without his scootering buddies.

The scooter came with a helmet and knee and elbow pads. Holden refused to wear them. Houston, on the other hand, loved entertaining us with them.
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