Holden turned two on February 24th, 2008! We planned to not have a formal celebration and just do "something small", maybe a cupcake with a few of our friends over. A week before his birthday, we decided to send out an Evite to our neighbors for an afternoon of bike riding and scootering on Sunday, Feb. 24th, Holden's actual birthday. Everyone responded yes. We were officially having the party we planned not to have. The morning before the party we checked the weather to see rain forecasted for all day Sunday. We didn't know whether to cancel or to reschedule. Trey thought it would be weird to just cancel so we postponed it to the following Saturday, March 1st.
Since the party was postponed and it was a rainy day, we stayed in all day. He opened presents from his grandparents - they were a huge hit. It's actually really great to have your child's birthday fall on a rainy day because there is plenty to keep them entertained. New toys equals happy child. We decided to go to dinner and asked the Conley's and Sammis' to join us. I baked cupcakes and brought them along. We went to Chief's in Solana Beach, a little restaurant that has a dive bar feel to it. We sang happy birthday and Holden got to blow out his two candles. We headed home for bedtime (school night) after cupcakes without opening presents. At the end, I felt like it was a perfect celebration for his birthday, but we still had this party planned for next weekend. During the week, Holden opened the presents from the Conley and Sammis families. Loved them!

On Saturday, March 1st, Holden's party went off without a hitch. Around 35 adults and kids came to play in the street. The kids were biking, scootering, and riding quads up and down the street. It really was a lot of fun!

It's ironic that our "No Party" plans for this year turned into TWO full birthday celebrations with gift opening lasting over a week. It seems a little excessive to me, but hey you only turn two once. Holden fully understands the meaning of presents now, and sings "Happy Birthday" multiple times a day to himself.
Since the party was postponed and it was a rainy day, we stayed in all day. He opened presents from his grandparents - they were a huge hit. It's actually really great to have your child's birthday fall on a rainy day because there is plenty to keep them entertained. New toys equals happy child. We decided to go to dinner and asked the Conley's and Sammis' to join us. I baked cupcakes and brought them along. We went to Chief's in Solana Beach, a little restaurant that has a dive bar feel to it. We sang happy birthday and Holden got to blow out his two candles. We headed home for bedtime (school night) after cupcakes without opening presents. At the end, I felt like it was a perfect celebration for his birthday, but we still had this party planned for next weekend. During the week, Holden opened the presents from the Conley and Sammis families. Loved them!
It's ironic that our "No Party" plans for this year turned into TWO full birthday celebrations with gift opening lasting over a week. It seems a little excessive to me, but hey you only turn two once. Holden fully understands the meaning of presents now, and sings "Happy Birthday" multiple times a day to himself.
happy birthday holden!
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Interesting advertising on the blog??? Weird, huh???
Anyway, Holden's birthday looked perfectly relaxing. Your new neighbors look like a lot of fun. Lucky you! Happy Birthday Big Guy Holden! xo, Lori
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