ATC 70 - It's Running
Trey finished getting the engine put back together. He and Holden are enjoying riding around the neighborhood. For the first couple of days, Trey drove it and let Holden ride in front of him. Next, he taught Holden how use the gas and brake while he steered. Then, he let Holden steer while he rode with him. Finally, Trey adjusted the throttle so it couldn't go much faster than those little electric quads and he let Holden drive all by himself. Trey would walk or jog along side him. I didn't get photos of Holden's first solo mission, but here are some photos of him riding independently on Day 2. Trey got smart and used Houston's leash to attach himself to the 70 so he wouldn't have to chase along side him. I think it also provided drag so he couldn't go as fast. Trey is so very proud of our little rider!

You have been really busy on the blog! I am so impressed! FB has got me addicted! I'm really behind! Great pics and fun times! I'm glad things are lookin' up with everyone starting to sleep a little better!
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