Eagle's Nest for Labor Day
Nana Nancy and Papa Gene invited us up to spend the weekend with them at Eagle's Nest for Labor Day. Trey had flights scheduled on Saturday and Monday, so we went up on Saturday night when he got home and returned Sunday night. It was a super fun-filled 24 hours! Eagle's Nest is like Disneyland for Holden, and Trey. They were in heaven the whole time playing with all the toys: the motorized boat, row boat, RC race truck, atc 70, fishing. Holden didn't stop the whole time we were there - he honestly couldn't get enough of it all. Cash took great naps up there - two 2.5 hours naps. We're crediting the fresh, clean mountain air. Houston had the time of his life. He swam, hunted for sticks, and ran free. The trip was easy and fun, and we left saying we need to go up more often. Holden asked to go to Eagle's Nest for about two straight weeks after we got home. When I asked him his favorite part of Eagle's Nest, he said, "The boat." I asked if he meant the row boat or the remote control boat, and he said, "Both." He loves it up there!

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