Holden is 16 weeks tomorrow. He is so much fun to be around these days, and Trey and I are consumed with how much we love this little person. I mean, just look at that face! He's so much more alert and active. He'll play on his Einstein mat for like 30-45 minutes at a time now. He loves his feet, sucking on his hands, grabbing toys and sucking on them, and being read to. He loves looking and talking to his mom and dad. His newest "thing" is sucking on his bottom lip (as you can see in the picture). And...tonight he's sleeping without being swaddled! Love, love love....
SO cute!!!! Adorable. He is looking more and more like Trey everyday.
Holden is just so darn cute. You can really tell how sweet and fun he is from these pictures. Isn't this such a great age???!!!!
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