Interactive Play
This morning Houston started playing with Holden. Up to this point, if Holden approached him, Houston would lick him all over and run away. But this morning was different. Holden was playing with one of my pink puffy socks while I was getting ready. Houston went over and started pulling it out of his hands and throwing it around. Holden would pick it back up and the game would continue. They got a few rounds of tug-o-war in there too. Eventually, Holden crawled away and went to play with my cell phone. Houston brought the sock next to him, and they had played independently next to each other. It was so cute. Then Houston went to his bed, and Holden followed him. They couldn't leave each other alone. It took me a little longer than usual to get ready today because I couldn't stop watching (and taking pictures of) them. They were so adorable together!!!

oh! they are so cute. they are going to be best friends!!!!
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