Holden is growing, learning, and becoming his own little person right before our eyes. Life with him just truly keeps getting better and better. Trey and I never knew we could love this much. It's almost hard to grasp, it's so encompassing. Holden cracks up laughing everyday now which usually leads to his mom and dad laughing along with him. His energy level is as HIGH as ever; he's all boy! Trey is convinced that Holden will be walking in the next few weeks, but I'm not so sure. He's still a little wobbly on his legs. No other big 7 months news except that he started a new food today - plain yogurt, full fat (not the easiest thing to find in the market). He wasn't crazy about it, but we'll keep trying.
He's getting so big!
I love reading "The Adventures of Holden".
Wow... that boy is "Super Baby" He is going to be completing long division before he starts preschool! Go get 'em Holden. That's awesome.
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