Monday, August 21, 2006

6 Months!

Our baby boy is 6 months old. I know....can you believe it?!?!? We feel like the last 3 months have absolutely flown by. Holden is active, super funny, and just a joy to be around (most of the time). We had his 6 month well visit with Dr. Rubenstein today. He weighs 17 lbs (45th percentile); his height is 27 3/8" (85th percentile); and his head circumference is 43 cm (15th percentile). We've got a tall boy! Holden received 2 more shots, and Trey and I got information on babyproofing and feeding him solid foods. Dr. Rubenstein wants us to start with veggies first. Tonight I was Suzy Homemaker and I made homemade baby food. I made and froze sweet potatoes and avocados. I can introduce a new food every 3 days. I think I'll start with the sweet potatoes and then move on to the avocados. We also get to add a middle of the day feeding; so now he'll have breakfast, lunch and dinner with solid food. I can't wait to see how he likes his new food.


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