Who Do You See?
The cutest thing happened yesterday. Holden crawled out of his room and into the hallway (which is something he does constantly now). Instead of pulling him back into his room, I decided to watch him to see what he would do. He crawled into Trey and I's bedroom because he spied a pair of my shoes that he wanted to get. I picked the shoes up so he couldn't get them in his mouth, and continued to watch him. He then spied another pair of my shoes by my night stand. It was a long trek for him; I could tell he stopped to think about if it was worth it or not to try to get them. On his way, he noticed the bathroom floor tile, which he started to grab at and play with. And then......he saw the mirror. He crawled right up to it and when he saw himself, he started to laugh. Like really laugh. It was so cute! He stayed and grabbed at his mirror image, tried to suck on it, and then started checking out his newest crawling moves in the mirror. Up on one leg, up on two legs, rock back and forth. He had so much fun - and I loved being a bystander.

Oh my gosh--he is so close to crawling its crazy. I think the Fletcher household needs to get serious about baby proofing--pronto!!!
I can understand why Holden likes to check himself out in the mirror. He is adorable!
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