Five Months Old
Can you believe it? We have a five month old! Holden just mastered rolling over about a month ago, and now he's moving around every where. He's found his way out of our safe place, his room, and is just starting to explore the hallway. In the last couple of days, he's pulled up on things twice. First, he pulled up on a metal toy bin to look at some toys (I missed this - Trey saw it). Second, he pulled up on Trey's leg (I saw this one!). By the time I grabbed the camera and turned it on, he was back down. He's not sitting up yet, but I can't wait for the day he does. I'm hoping we can get a little break when he will just sit and play, but I'm not totally confident that he'll just sit there since he's such an active little fella. He's eating rice cereal twice a day, and sleeping eleven to twelve hours at night. He still wakes up once a night to have a bottle, ususally around 2:30 or 3:00, which is pure heaven compared to the 7 or 8 times a night he was waking in the beginning. During the day, he plays for about 2 or 3 hours at a time before he needs a nap. He loves toys, listening to songs, and Houston.
Five Months Old
Holden made it out of our safe place and into the hallway.
On his 5 month birthday, we decided to take the bumper pad off of his crib. He's starting day care in a month where bumpers are not allowed, so I thought we'd get him used to not having one at home. It lasted all of 20 minutes. Within that time, he got his foot stuck outside the bars twice and started crying. So much for that nap!
His newest move, he's up on all fours and getting closer to crawling!
He's doing this side sit-up too. Maybe this means sitting is in his near future. Shopping carts here we come!
I had to do it! Last night, I kept hearing something over the monitor after I put Holden down to sleep (notice that Trey has zip-tied the monitor reciever outside of the crib). I went in to check on him and he had pulled the bumper down and was sucking on it. I had to snap the picture. (Sorry for interrupting, Holden!) Luckily, he fell asleep (not sucking) a little bit later, he wasn't traumatized by the bright flash in his dark sleepy place.

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