First Trip to the E.R.
Today, I had plans to write about so many of Holden's new developments like: taking his first steps, babbling mom - a, dada & baba, his new found love of carpet chewing and tile licking, and our new game "So big!"; but instead I'm writing about Holden's first trip to the Emergency Room. Holden woke up from a two and a half hour nap around noon. I brought him out to the living room where we have created a large play pen by connecting our furniture into rectangle. He was standing and banging on the coffee table when he fell and hit his upper lip on the corner of the table. He started screaming and his mouth quickly filled with blood. I screamed for Trey to come look and we decided we needed to take him to the hospital. On the way, his mouth stopped bleeding and his behavior was back to normal. Once we were in the parking lot we debated taking him in, but checked his mouth and noticed that the piece that connected his upper lip to his gums was separated. We wanted to have it checked. Luckily, we didn't have to wait long to see a doctor. Dr. McDreamy (really...he was cute!) told us they don't fix that part of the mouth. That piece of skin is useless; it has no purpose. He said it probably won't grow back together but it's not a big deal. We have to keep his mouth clean for the next few days. Trey and I felt a little silly for being over-protective parents and rushing to the E.R., but we wanted to be sure our little baby was ok.
Complete Side Note: Most of you know how much I love reality tv. Recently, I've become equally obsessed with the tv show Grey's Anatomy. I was a little giddy when we walked through the doors to the hospital (after we checked in and I knew Holden was fine), and I said, "Look Trey, it's like Grey's Anatomy!" While we were waiting in the room after the ER nurse came to check Holden out, I asked Trey if I should ask her if there was a Dr. McDreamy here. He rolled his eyes at my nonsense. And he walked - our very own Dr. McDreamy!

Complete Side Note: Most of you know how much I love reality tv. Recently, I've become equally obsessed with the tv show Grey's Anatomy. I was a little giddy when we walked through the doors to the hospital (after we checked in and I knew Holden was fine), and I said, "Look Trey, it's like Grey's Anatomy!" While we were waiting in the room after the ER nurse came to check Holden out, I asked Trey if I should ask her if there was a Dr. McDreamy here. He rolled his eyes at my nonsense. And he walked - our very own Dr. McDreamy!

Fat Lip
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! I am totally freaking out for all of you. I would've been a mess. You were definitely not over protective--you are loving parents. We got rid of our coffee table completely due to lots of knots on the top of Waylon's head.
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