Happy First Birthday, Holden Fletcher!
To celebrate Holden's first birthday we had a picnic at Powerhouse Park. The weather was great, it was a beautiful sunny day in Del Mar! Holden had so much fun, and loved playing with all of his friends and family. He enjoyed sitting in the big people chairs, sharing his toys with his friends, playing in the sandbox (and eating sand), watching bubbles, and eating cake for the first time. He wasn't quite sure what to do with the cake, but after his friend Carter Sammis showed him the ropes he had no problem digging in! We compared him to a marathon runner, he worked slowly but methodically to finish the cake. Lucky for us, we had no meltdowns afterward. We went home to open all of his wonderful birthday gifts. As it goes with one year olds, he got most of his joy from the bows and paper while my mom, grandma and I oohed and aahed over the gifts. After a quick dinner (he didn't have much of an appetite - I wonder why?!?) and a bath, we put Holden to bed around 7:00. He fell asleep quickly and didn't make a peep all night!
Loving the Big Boy chair.
Avery Correia and Holden just chillin'. They go to daycare together.
Waylon Davis and Charlie Grace enjoying the Radio Flyer Retro Rocket.
Clay and Carter Sammis are teaching Holden all about the sandbox. (Carter had some pretty cool trains!)
Lori and Ryan Grace taking a break.
The big people cake.
"Like this, Holden!"
"Oh, I think I got it now."
Making serious progress....
"Woo-hoo, I love cake!"
We'll call this a success.
Nana Judy helped Holden open his presents.
There's nothing better than bows and wrapping paper in the eyes of a one year old.
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