One Year Old
The one year update is here! I was waiting until Holden had his appointment with Dr. Rubenstein to update so I could include all his stats. He weighs 23 pounds 4 ounces (60th %ile), his height is 31 3/8 inches (90-95th %ile) and his head is 46 cm (30th %ile). His height stayed in the same range, but his weight and head size ranges increased this time. He reached all the one year developmental milestones that were given:
Holden received three shots today (3/7): MMR, Chickenpox vaccine, TB test. I was so nervous because Trey is the one that holds Holden while he receives the shots but he had to fly down to Mexico today. I'm usually turned around and heading toward the door during his shots because I hate seeing Holden get so upset. I think I was literally shaking when the nurse came in with the shots. First she did the TB test (now called PPD) in his forearm, no problem. Then she gave him the chickenpox vaccine in his left thigh, no big deal. The nurse and I were both shocked! She said, "Now for the MMR, this one usually sets them off. I've never had a one year old leave without crying." I was thinking, "Oh, great!" I know I tensed up like I was getting it when she gave him the third vaccination in his right thigh. Holden gave two whimpers and then looked up at her and gave a huge smile. I guess he had to go down in history as the first one year old that didn't cry. I was thrilled that WE made it through - I was so relieved! He got a little toy chicken as a treat on the way out. We will go back for his next check-up at 15 months.
The day after Holden's birthday, he started doing baby signs to me. We were home playing and then he signed "eat" to me. I was so excited that I scooped him up and brought him to his high chair to eat. After a while, I asked (and signed) "Do you want more?" He signed back "more" "eat". You see, I was gung-ho about baby signing about 3 months ago and would try to sign with Holden at mealtimes. I focused on "more", "eat", and "all done". After about a month or so of signing to him and getting no response, I gave up - my enthusiastic signing ended. So I was completely shocked when he started signing almost three months later. The next day I when I picked him up from childcare I asked the teachers if they sign with him at lunch, they said no. I was totally confused. I couldn't understand how Holden could keep these signs in after months of not seeing them. Well, come to find out (after talking to the other moms) a lot of the other toddlers sign in his room. He picked it up from them. But now I'm back on the bandwagon - I'm signing "more", "eat", "milk", "all done" and "bath" with him. He signs most back except milk (although he tries) and bath. When I ask him if he's ready for his bath, he goes over to the bathroom door as fast as he can and starts banging on the door while saying (screaming!) "Baaaa...baaa". It is so cute!
Holden has found the wonder of hot air balloons and airplanes this week. He points up to the sky and smiles; and then tries to wiggle out of my arms like he wants to go get them.
Oh my gosh, what a mess! He's been self-feeding himself finger foods for a while. A couple a night's ago, he wouldn't eat much so I decided to take out a jar of baby food. He wouldn't let me feed him with a spoon; he wanted to do it himself.....

Apparently Holden is the king of breaking through the baby gates they have up to block the crib/cot area. A couple of days ago, he broke in and sat on Aine's head while she was napping on her cot. He was completely tickled with himself and started cracking up. Aine woke up really mad and told him, "No, No Ho-den!" Today (3/8) he took off his pants and cruised around the room in his onesie, shoes and socks. He's trying all the tricks to get the girls! I really need to buy the "Chicks Dig Me" t-shirt I saw at Nordstrom last week.
The one year update is here! I was waiting until Holden had his appointment with Dr. Rubenstein to update so I could include all his stats. He weighs 23 pounds 4 ounces (60th %ile), his height is 31 3/8 inches (90-95th %ile) and his head is 46 cm (30th %ile). His height stayed in the same range, but his weight and head size ranges increased this time. He reached all the one year developmental milestones that were given:
- drinks from a sipper cup
- good pincer grasp
- says "mama" and "dada" specifically
- gets to standing/may be cruising
- clapping and/or waving
Holden received three shots today (3/7): MMR, Chickenpox vaccine, TB test. I was so nervous because Trey is the one that holds Holden while he receives the shots but he had to fly down to Mexico today. I'm usually turned around and heading toward the door during his shots because I hate seeing Holden get so upset. I think I was literally shaking when the nurse came in with the shots. First she did the TB test (now called PPD) in his forearm, no problem. Then she gave him the chickenpox vaccine in his left thigh, no big deal. The nurse and I were both shocked! She said, "Now for the MMR, this one usually sets them off. I've never had a one year old leave without crying." I was thinking, "Oh, great!" I know I tensed up like I was getting it when she gave him the third vaccination in his right thigh. Holden gave two whimpers and then looked up at her and gave a huge smile. I guess he had to go down in history as the first one year old that didn't cry. I was thrilled that WE made it through - I was so relieved! He got a little toy chicken as a treat on the way out. We will go back for his next check-up at 15 months.
The day after Holden's birthday, he started doing baby signs to me. We were home playing and then he signed "eat" to me. I was so excited that I scooped him up and brought him to his high chair to eat. After a while, I asked (and signed) "Do you want more?" He signed back "more" "eat". You see, I was gung-ho about baby signing about 3 months ago and would try to sign with Holden at mealtimes. I focused on "more", "eat", and "all done". After about a month or so of signing to him and getting no response, I gave up - my enthusiastic signing ended. So I was completely shocked when he started signing almost three months later. The next day I when I picked him up from childcare I asked the teachers if they sign with him at lunch, they said no. I was totally confused. I couldn't understand how Holden could keep these signs in after months of not seeing them. Well, come to find out (after talking to the other moms) a lot of the other toddlers sign in his room. He picked it up from them. But now I'm back on the bandwagon - I'm signing "more", "eat", "milk", "all done" and "bath" with him. He signs most back except milk (although he tries) and bath. When I ask him if he's ready for his bath, he goes over to the bathroom door as fast as he can and starts banging on the door while saying (screaming!) "Baaaa...baaa". It is so cute!
Holden has found the wonder of hot air balloons and airplanes this week. He points up to the sky and smiles; and then tries to wiggle out of my arms like he wants to go get them.
Oh my gosh, what a mess! He's been self-feeding himself finger foods for a while. A couple a night's ago, he wouldn't eat much so I decided to take out a jar of baby food. He wouldn't let me feed him with a spoon; he wanted to do it himself.....
Apparently Holden is the king of breaking through the baby gates they have up to block the crib/cot area. A couple of days ago, he broke in and sat on Aine's head while she was napping on her cot. He was completely tickled with himself and started cracking up. Aine woke up really mad and told him, "No, No Ho-den!" Today (3/8) he took off his pants and cruised around the room in his onesie, shoes and socks. He's trying all the tricks to get the girls! I really need to buy the "Chicks Dig Me" t-shirt I saw at Nordstrom last week.
I'm just so impressed with your stats Holden! Such a big boy now. Loved seeing you at your party, Lori
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