A Note From Mommy

Dear Holden,
We're on Spring Break and I'm having the time of my life hanging out with you and being a full-time mommy. You are such an amazing little boy. You're hilarious. You crack me up all day long.
The way you get around is so cute. Sometimes you walk, sometimes you run (which looks like you're just keeping yourself from falling flat on your face - like you've gained momentum and if you stop you'll surely face-plant), and lately you sometimes crawl. I wonder how you decide. I can't help but smile when you run toward me with your arms straight up in the air, yelling "AHHHHHHH...ahhhhhh".
I love your deep belly laughs of pure and intense joy. They completely fill me up. I can live on those alone.
Even though it takes every ounce of patience I have, I'm grateful when you melt into a heap on the floor, throwing a full-blown temper tantrum because it means you are gaining your independence.
You're learning right from wrong. When you know you're doing something Mommy or Daddy doesn't want you to do (like standing on the oven door or on top of the coffee table), you look at me with an impish grin and shake your head no. It's like you're egging me on, "Com'on Mom, aren't you going to tell me no."
I love the way you want to be held. You're shy at first in new/big group situations, but you warm up quickly when your in my or Daddy's arms. Your 24.4 pounds get quite heavy though for the amount of time I've been holding you these days. I'm currently in the midst of frantically researching toddler carriers. I think we're gettting the ERGO carrier, although today I made a homemade sling out of an old pashmina that is pretty darn comfy.
I love the way you make gorilla calls when you want something. You half snort, and half gorilla grunt.
I love when you bring a book to me, and plop down on the couch next to me to listen. You will sit and listen to most of the book, which is a big change from a couple of months ago. (I couldn't get you to sit for anything!) You'll sit through all of Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and Ten Little Ladybugs. Sometimes you'll even ask for seconds.
I love that you've learned how to give kisses. I can ask you for a kiss, and you'll stop what you're doing to come kiss me. You are a precious boy!
I can't lie, I love that you're taking two to three hour naps. I can get a lot of mommy stuff done in that amount of time. (like researching baby carriers - heehee)
Your new found passion for motorcycles is really darling. You run to the door, reach for the door handle and yell, "Ow-sie!" Once we're in the garage you'll point to the motorcylce and say "Ca-ca" (or sometimes ga-ga). You LOVE your rides with Daddy. They make your dad so happy too!
I love your long gibberish sentences. They always bring a smile to my face. You just sound so darn cute.
Holden, you're the greatest son a mom could ever wish for. Part of me wants you to slow down and stop growing. You're just growing up so fast. But I love it too. So just grow, learn and be you.
Love You,
so sweet! your letter brought tears to my eyes. he is growing up so quickly... and into such a cute boy!
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