Sunday, April 01, 2007

Thirteen Months

Holden is growing and learning so much these days. He's talking up a storm, he loves to point and name objects. I think I've counted 12 words: ball (baa), book (ba), bath (baaa - baaa at very loud volumes), banana (na-na), shoes, (sha or shew), uh-oh, outside (ow-sa or sie), up, mama, balloon (ooooew), sock ( saw, or sok), cracker (ca-ca), flowers or plant - not sure which he means (cock). Yes, you saw the last word right - cock. Once he learned the /ck/ sound, everything became cock. He used that word to identify just about everything for about a week. Literally, everything was cock. We went to Red Robin and Holden starting yelling "cock" at the top of his lungs (I think he was identifying all the balloons, but who knows). Trey looked at me and said, "What do we do?" The next day, I took him to the Birch Aquarium (see post below). We were standing in front of the shark tank, waiting for the workers to feed the three sharks. People were starting to crowd around. Holden pointed and of course yelled, "cock". I said, "Yes, that's right Holden, that is a shark." People around started to look and I'm sure were thinking, What a brilliant one year old. Little did they know everything was cock for us lately. Luckily, we've moved beyond the cock stage and he's back to pointing and attempting the real word.

Holden got one of molars in this week. Yippee! That makes nine little pearly whites. How many more teeth to go?

He's willing to try more new foods, and he continues to practice using a spoon. Meal times are messy but are fun.


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