Dumb Dog
Yesterday evening, we heard the neighbor kids outside so Holden wanted to go play. I left Houston inside and he started barking like crazy (a typical occurence). I decided to bring Houston out on the leash. No problem. He was happy. The next part is like a scene from a movie for me. Holden started riding his scooter down the driveway - I was holding on the handlebar with my right hand so he wouldn't fall, and Houston's leash with my other hand. Houston spotted the neighbor who usually has her dog with her (but didn't last night), and charged toward her. I went flying forward, downhill on the driveway and landed chin first in the street on the asphalt. Afterward, my neighbor told me I was literally flying like Superman with my legs straight out behind me.
Luckily, I have the best neighbors in the world. The two that were there with me were Steve, an outdoorsy hunter type guy, and Mariah, an O.R. nurse. Steve immediately grabbed my chin and told me I needed stitches. Mariah, as calm as ever, went to get ice. We sat outside while the kids played to wait for Trey to get home. We put Houston in the backyard, he again was barking like crazy. Mariah went back to feed him. When she was coming back through the garage door, Houston pushed past her, and for some crazy reason, charged toward Holden. I couldn't see from where I was standing, but I saw Steve put his glass down, yell "Oh God!", and start chasing Holden. Houston was going right for him. He knocked Holden down. I heard Holden scream and I was terrified that he was going to need stitches now too. He ended up just getting a big goose egg bump on his forehead. Kids are so resilient, he was back to playing within a minute or two. Let me tell you, I was ready to KILL our dog. I had never seen him act like that. He went back into the backyard and barked like crazy, and we let him.
When my husband got home, Mariah took Holden home with her to bathe and feed him. We ended up going to a plastic surgeon to stitch up my face. I had to get about 10 stitches on my chin. I also had a road rash on my right boob. It stung like any scrape would, so I wasn't too worried about it. After my stitches they said they would clean that wound for me as well, otherwise the dirt and gravel might "tattoo" me. I wasn't worried at all. They started to clean it, and it hurt like HELL! I was not prepared for how bad it actually hurt. They put me on some strong antibiotics, and I have to go back today to have the dressing replaced, Saturday to have a few stitches removed, and Monday to have the rest of the stitches removed. Let me tell you, I feel like hell. My jaw hurts, and my whole body feels like I've been through the wringer. Houston, on the other hand, is happily snoring at my feet.

Luckily, I have the best neighbors in the world. The two that were there with me were Steve, an outdoorsy hunter type guy, and Mariah, an O.R. nurse. Steve immediately grabbed my chin and told me I needed stitches. Mariah, as calm as ever, went to get ice. We sat outside while the kids played to wait for Trey to get home. We put Houston in the backyard, he again was barking like crazy. Mariah went back to feed him. When she was coming back through the garage door, Houston pushed past her, and for some crazy reason, charged toward Holden. I couldn't see from where I was standing, but I saw Steve put his glass down, yell "Oh God!", and start chasing Holden. Houston was going right for him. He knocked Holden down. I heard Holden scream and I was terrified that he was going to need stitches now too. He ended up just getting a big goose egg bump on his forehead. Kids are so resilient, he was back to playing within a minute or two. Let me tell you, I was ready to KILL our dog. I had never seen him act like that. He went back into the backyard and barked like crazy, and we let him.
When my husband got home, Mariah took Holden home with her to bathe and feed him. We ended up going to a plastic surgeon to stitch up my face. I had to get about 10 stitches on my chin. I also had a road rash on my right boob. It stung like any scrape would, so I wasn't too worried about it. After my stitches they said they would clean that wound for me as well, otherwise the dirt and gravel might "tattoo" me. I wasn't worried at all. They started to clean it, and it hurt like HELL! I was not prepared for how bad it actually hurt. They put me on some strong antibiotics, and I have to go back today to have the dressing replaced, Saturday to have a few stitches removed, and Monday to have the rest of the stitches removed. Let me tell you, I feel like hell. My jaw hurts, and my whole body feels like I've been through the wringer. Houston, on the other hand, is happily snoring at my feet.

i'm so sorry that happened to you jenn... i hope you heal quickly.
it was good seeing you on sunday. your new house is just beautiful.
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