Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our Grown Up Boy

Holden is becoming less and less of a baby, and more and more of a big boy! On Thursday after school, I picked him up a little early and we went to the mall to buy shoes. It was the first time I tackled it alone WITHOUT a stroller. He did great. We only had one almost escape to the escalator in Nordstrom. I had to drop everything to catch him before he got on. Luckily, that was the only incident. He walked around the mall with me, and carried bags and everything.

He also just told me he was sick for the first time - and was RIGHT! On Thursday night while he was falling asleep, he said, "My ear hurts." I really didn't think much of it. Then on the way to school on yesterday (3/21) morning, he said it again. I wondered then if he was right. When I picked him up from school they said he was fussy and clingy all day, so I took him to the doctor. Dr. Wilson came in and asked Holden which ear hurt. He said, "This one," and pointed to his right ear. The doctor looked and confirmed that he did indeed have an ear infection. Such a big boy!

What hasn't change is his pickiness in eating. Last night, he had the most bland dinner ever: grilled cheese sandwich, bananas, yogurt, and baby food veggies. When he doesn't like something he will move it off his placemat. When I saw that he had done that to his baby food veggies, I asked him if he was going to eat them. Like such a big boy, he replied, "No, too spicy. No like it. It's too spicy." Anyone who has ever tasted baby food knows that it is the most bland food available. I thought it was funny though - he's coming up with excuses now for not eating. I do have two tactics right now that are working in my favor though. When he wants to get down to play, I tell him he needs to eat two more big bites, and he really does take big bites. I also tell him he has to have XXX if he wants to grow big and strong like Daddy. Works like a charm!

Lastly, he's a very verbal little fella. Right now he just came up to me and said, "I want more juice please Mommy. I drank it all." As I went to fill his cup he added, "I want ice Mommy." Now he's pulling spatulas and ladles out of our kitchen drawer, and saying, "That's for eggs?" (Holding up a spatula) "That's for soup?" (Holding up a ladle) "That's for chicken too?" (Holding up a different spatula). He's always been a talker, but now he's coming up with his own opinions and ideas. It's really amazing to watch him learn and grow.

He's the cutest thing ever, and being his Mommy is the most fulfilling thing in the world!

Eating dinner in all his cuteness.

Do you see his "too spicy" veggies pushed off the placemat?

He got sick of me taking pictures, so he said "Say Cheeeeessseeee" and showed this face.


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