Long Overdue Updates
Everyday is a new adventure with Holden. He's the same ol' Holden in many respects - high energy, funny, and always testing the limits. But he's growing up. He comes up with the cutest two year old stuff to say. Like this morning after Trey put him in bed with me, he said, "I'm all done." I asked with what. "You're all done, Mommy." With what? "With Night-Night." Then it turned into, "Get up, Mommy. Get up!", until I pulled myself out of bed. Then tonight at dinner, he asked, "You all done pizza, Mommy." When I said yes, I was finished, he replied, "Go play then! Go play, Mommy." He's so cute.
Holden's also got quite an active imagination. For months, I think since around December, he's talked about being "scared the horsey." It would usually happen when he would be on the stairs by himself. He would look up at one of our high windows and say, "Scared the horsey!", and run back to wherever I was. Then it started happening when he was in any room by himself with windows - the bathroom, his bedroom, etc. Finally, about a month ago, I started asking him questions about the horsey. I figured he must have had a bad dream about a horse or something (still not sure). I've since learned that the horse comes in through the window and he's scared of it. I used to try to tell him that there was no horsey in the house. Horses live outside. Then I decided to go the other direction. I said, "Hey invite the horsey in. Let's have a party with the horsey. The horsey's nice!" So in the last month, we've had the horsey over for dinner, placemat and all. He had peas. Holden could not for the life of him figure out why the peas weren't disappearing from his placemat. He still gets scared of the horsey sometimes, but now he'll say, "Scared the hors- (then he'll remember how nice he is) want fruit snacks, Horsey?"
He still loves riding his bike and scooter, and playing outside; but his newest interest is swimming. He has taken to swimming like a little fish. He loves going to the bottom to get rings, and jumping off the side of the pool. He's started a new session of swim classes where he gets in with one other child and the teacher. Trey and I no longer have to get in with him. We also try to take him at least once or twice a week to our community pool.
In the last month, when I've gotten his sheet that tells about his day from school, there have been a few times where it will say "Potty" instead of telling about his diaper. I guess he's started asking to use the potty. He asks at home occasionally too. So far it's been easy. He doesn't really like the small potty chair I got him. He would rather stand, and use the real deal. Flushing is his favorite part. I'm not in a big rush to potty train - it's kind of nice having him lead the way. I don't know if it will soon become more difficult but I'm happy with where we are in the potty department.
He likes to put on his shoes all by himself. He calls them his "Croc shoes". "I put on my Croc shoes all by self!" he'll say. The funny thing is they often end up on the wrong foot. I'll tell him to switch feet and he'll say, "Oh OK!" with such enthusiasm that it melts my heart every time. He's so eager to learn. Other times I'll let him walk around with his shoes on the wrong foot. Doesn't seem to make a bit of difference to him.
Mothering a toddler is not an easy thing, but it's one of the most rewarding. I love watching Holden's personality develop more everyday. He's a happy little soul to be around.

Holden's also got quite an active imagination. For months, I think since around December, he's talked about being "scared the horsey." It would usually happen when he would be on the stairs by himself. He would look up at one of our high windows and say, "Scared the horsey!", and run back to wherever I was. Then it started happening when he was in any room by himself with windows - the bathroom, his bedroom, etc. Finally, about a month ago, I started asking him questions about the horsey. I figured he must have had a bad dream about a horse or something (still not sure). I've since learned that the horse comes in through the window and he's scared of it. I used to try to tell him that there was no horsey in the house. Horses live outside. Then I decided to go the other direction. I said, "Hey invite the horsey in. Let's have a party with the horsey. The horsey's nice!" So in the last month, we've had the horsey over for dinner, placemat and all. He had peas. Holden could not for the life of him figure out why the peas weren't disappearing from his placemat. He still gets scared of the horsey sometimes, but now he'll say, "Scared the hors- (then he'll remember how nice he is) want fruit snacks, Horsey?"
He still loves riding his bike and scooter, and playing outside; but his newest interest is swimming. He has taken to swimming like a little fish. He loves going to the bottom to get rings, and jumping off the side of the pool. He's started a new session of swim classes where he gets in with one other child and the teacher. Trey and I no longer have to get in with him. We also try to take him at least once or twice a week to our community pool.
In the last month, when I've gotten his sheet that tells about his day from school, there have been a few times where it will say "Potty" instead of telling about his diaper. I guess he's started asking to use the potty. He asks at home occasionally too. So far it's been easy. He doesn't really like the small potty chair I got him. He would rather stand, and use the real deal. Flushing is his favorite part. I'm not in a big rush to potty train - it's kind of nice having him lead the way. I don't know if it will soon become more difficult but I'm happy with where we are in the potty department.
He likes to put on his shoes all by himself. He calls them his "Croc shoes". "I put on my Croc shoes all by self!" he'll say. The funny thing is they often end up on the wrong foot. I'll tell him to switch feet and he'll say, "Oh OK!" with such enthusiasm that it melts my heart every time. He's so eager to learn. Other times I'll let him walk around with his shoes on the wrong foot. Doesn't seem to make a bit of difference to him.
Mothering a toddler is not an easy thing, but it's one of the most rewarding. I love watching Holden's personality develop more everyday. He's a happy little soul to be around.
I was seriously laughing out loud at the horsey story! Good work Jenn, you should get some fruit chews too!
xo, Lori
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