Nine Months Old
Cash turned nine months old on Friday, September 4th. We went to Dr. Rubenstein for his nine month well-check on Wednesday, September 2nd. When I picked him up from school I realized his bottom tooth had cut through! Yay, finally! Cash weighed 22 lbs. 8 oz. (80th %ile), his height was 29 in. (75 %ile), and his head circumference was 44 cm (20th %ile). We were surprised at his percentiles, we thought he was going to be off the charts for all of them. We were wrong, and to our surprise he's not far off from where Holden was at that age. Cash just seems so much bigger, but he's really not.
Cash is a happy easy-going baby, but is not shy to let you know if he's mad. He's adjusted well to full time daycare, but didn't sleep a whole lot at the beginning. The teachers said even though he must be tired, he never fusses or cries. He's a happy, cruiser kind of guy. He loves being around the other kids all day.
At nine months, Cash is crawling, playing peek-a-boo, standing with support, babbling, and beginning to use his pincer grasp to pick up food. He prefers to be fed, but we're trying to encourage him to use his thumb and finger grasp. Cash just got his first two teeth right around his 9 month birthday. He is wearing 12-18 month clothes and a size three diaper.
We love our happy boy!

Cash is a happy easy-going baby, but is not shy to let you know if he's mad. He's adjusted well to full time daycare, but didn't sleep a whole lot at the beginning. The teachers said even though he must be tired, he never fusses or cries. He's a happy, cruiser kind of guy. He loves being around the other kids all day.
At nine months, Cash is crawling, playing peek-a-boo, standing with support, babbling, and beginning to use his pincer grasp to pick up food. He prefers to be fed, but we're trying to encourage him to use his thumb and finger grasp. Cash just got his first two teeth right around his 9 month birthday. He is wearing 12-18 month clothes and a size three diaper.
We love our happy boy!
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