Reading and Rolling
As part of our bedroom routine, we read two to three books every night. His favorites are Little Quack and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? He loves, and I mean, LOVES Little Quack. (Thanks Nana Judy!) First, he gets very still when we start reading, then when we get to a page he likes he squeals out and kicks his legs. He likes to reach out and touch the pictures too. We usually lay on our backs side by side. I hold the book over the top of us to read. But yesterday Holden started officially rolling over. He won't stay on his back anymore, he just rolls right over. So, about two pages into reading, he decided to roll over. I had to flip over so that he could see the book again.

Now more on the rolling business. Like I said, he's officially a roller overer, which is super fun and great. Except, he rolls over at night in his crib and then gets frustrated on his belly. We have to go flip him back over, but then he just does it again. (Trey finally used the sleep positioner to stop his nonstop rolls.) We get the eating at night thing under control (well, kind of....he still is eating at 11:00 pm and 4:30 am) and then he starts this. Can't we just get a nighttime break? Probably not, I guess this is parenthood. This picture was taken this morning as I was typing this entry. I put him on his back and I intended to capture the rolling over move but by the time I picked up the camera and snapped, he was over. I didn't have the energy to do it again, so this is what you get.

Now more on the rolling business. Like I said, he's officially a roller overer, which is super fun and great. Except, he rolls over at night in his crib and then gets frustrated on his belly. We have to go flip him back over, but then he just does it again. (Trey finally used the sleep positioner to stop his nonstop rolls.) We get the eating at night thing under control (well, kind of....he still is eating at 11:00 pm and 4:30 am) and then he starts this. Can't we just get a nighttime break? Probably not, I guess this is parenthood. This picture was taken this morning as I was typing this entry. I put him on his back and I intended to capture the rolling over move but by the time I picked up the camera and snapped, he was over. I didn't have the energy to do it again, so this is what you get.

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