A Day in the Life of a Stay at Home Mom
We're now at the end of Spring Break week, and - whew! - it's been a fun, but tiring week. I decided to capture Friday on film because, like most of you know, all I do is take pictures of Holden when I'm home. (Remember the frequent blog updates when I was on maternity leave?) Friday morning after breakfast, I put on Holden's new Baby Einstein movie, On the Go, and gave him some paper and markers for a little art time in his high chair. (And some mommy-can-get-stuff-done-without-worrying-about-Holden-climbing-and-breaking-his-head time.) He was happy and I started doing chores around the house. He seemed way too quiet so I checked in on him and he had drawn all over his face with the blue marker and eaten the tip off of the orange highlighter. Lesson learned: There really is something to say for the Crayola washable markers. I had to scrub his face two or three times and it still wasn't totally clean.

Moving on, I put him down to play. Very shortly after he was crying "Ow-sie!" at the door. When I told him we'd go out in a little bit, he threw himself on the floor and cried. So much for chores. I got him dressed and we walked to the park by our house. He played and played. He loves to climb up the gym equipment and slide down the slide all by himself. He swung a couple of times, but he was more interested in throwing sand and climbing. We were back home by 9:30 and he went down easily for a nap. He slept for 2 and a half hours while I paid bills and dusted.

I fed him lunch, and then decided to get out of the house. On the car ride he did his usual routine, sucked on his left shoe and then took it off along with his sock. We went to the Birch Aquarium - it was great. We walked around through the exhibits, and he played with the water tables again. He loves those tables! I thought I identified his word for fish, but now, a couple of days later, I'm not so sure. At every tank, he would point and say (I stopped to write it down because I wanted to remember it) - Buh-duhhhh Buh-duhhhhh. Every tank. But I've also heard him saying it at the park, so who knows, it could just be his word of the week.

After the aquarium, we came back home and played a little before dinner and his bath. I think we had a half hour to 45 minutes before I could start the routine. In that short amount of time, he learned how to break into the GLASS bookcase we have (How do you babyproof that?!?!?) And he learned how to tear down the baby gate blocking all of the tv/stereo equipment. Dinner time couldn't come soon enough! I put him to bed around 6:45 - I was pooped at the end of the day! I have realized that teaching 27 ten year olds all day is a piece of cake compared to staying home full time. There are no recesses and lunch breaks when you're a mom!

I fed him lunch, and then decided to get out of the house. On the car ride he did his usual routine, sucked on his left shoe and then took it off along with his sock. We went to the Birch Aquarium - it was great. We walked around through the exhibits, and he played with the water tables again. He loves those tables! I thought I identified his word for fish, but now, a couple of days later, I'm not so sure. At every tank, he would point and say (I stopped to write it down because I wanted to remember it) - Buh-duhhhh Buh-duhhhhh. Every tank. But I've also heard him saying it at the park, so who knows, it could just be his word of the week.
After the aquarium, we came back home and played a little before dinner and his bath. I think we had a half hour to 45 minutes before I could start the routine. In that short amount of time, he learned how to break into the GLASS bookcase we have (How do you babyproof that?!?!?) And he learned how to tear down the baby gate blocking all of the tv/stereo equipment. Dinner time couldn't come soon enough! I put him to bed around 6:45 - I was pooped at the end of the day! I have realized that teaching 27 ten year olds all day is a piece of cake compared to staying home full time. There are no recesses and lunch breaks when you're a mom!
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