
Loading Holden into the car after our visit to the mall took it's not uncommon turn of events. I asked him to climb into his seat; and he bounced up to the front seat, sat on the driver's side, and squealed with delight. I went around to the driver's side to fetch him, he jumped to the front passenger seat. I returned to the back door, and bribed that I would give him a special treat if he got into his car seat (I know - great parenting - bribery!). Of course, he climbed right in. Now, I knew the whole time I didn't have any sweet treats in the car. I thought to myself, what a perfect time to teach him that treats don't always come in the form of sweet food. I handed him a keychain that opens up to see a picture inside. He was buckled in and satisfied well enough. While we were driving home, he explained, "This is not a special treat, Mom." I told him yes it was! It had a picture in it!
After a few more rounds of going back and forth - No, it's not. Yes, it is. - he started whining, "Candy, candy, candy, candy...."
Trying to make this a teachable moment, I said, "Holden candy is not good for our teeth or our growing body."
Hoping I'll get it, "It's good for my mouth!"

Such precious pictures! And... I could picture the whole car seat event perfectly! I giggled the whole time. I can soooo relate! -Lori
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