ISR Graduate
On September 5th, Holden finished his Infant Swimming Resource classes. We had to end them a bit early because of my work schedule. He had some bad habits to overcome, but made great progress over the four weeks (5 days each week). We will enroll him in a refresher course as soon as the new swimming season starts. Holden really resisted the float at first, but did better when it was integrated in the swim-float-swim sequence. During his last week of classes, he had to swim in clothes - first summer clothes and then winter clothes - shoes, diaper and all. Since he was such a happy and eager swimmer, I didn't think much about warning him about the whole swimming with clothes thing. He hated it. He cried and cried because it felt so different to him. He truly appreciated his float those days. The last day his dad got in with him to learn the ISR techniques. Holden was coming down with a cold so cried most of that class too because it was hard to breathe. We loved the whole experience and can't wait to return to classes in March. Cash will complete classes summer of '09.

Congratulations Holden! You look awesome swimming in the pool!
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