Trains, Planes and So Much More
Oh where do I begin there is so much to say....I guess I'll start with the travel day. On September 14th, we took the train up to Orange County, picked up the airplane, and flew it back to San Diego. Holden LOVED the train ride. The airplane ride was a big deal because he rode in the regular seat with a seat belt. He enjoyed the plane ride, and only got scared during "the bumps" (turbulence). He like watching Daddy fly, and pretended he was in Big Jet from Little Einsteins the whole time.

Ok, so while looking at those pictures you probably noticed two things: a.) Holden's really bad haircut; and b.) his bandaged chin. On September 3rd, I took Holden to get a TRIM. My directions to the hair stylist were: "We like his hair long, we just want it trimmed around his ears, the back, and trimmed out of his eyes." She translated that into cut it into short, hacked layers all over with the shortest uneven bangs as possible. Our cute little beach blonde boy came out looking like Eddie Haskal. Once of my co-workers saw him, and sweetly asked if Holden had cut his hair himself. (Yes, it's that bad!) The sad part is that I paid $20 bucks for that haircut. Our only consolation is that it's hair, and it will grow back. But you can bet your bottom dollar that I won't be going back to that salon again.
On Saturday, September 13th, Trey didn't feel well so I took Holden to the park to play while he stayed home to rest. Holden was playing wonderfully, but then all of sudden fell down the steps of the play structure and hit his chin on the bottom step. When I checked him, he seemed fine, but then I saw the gaping cut on his chin and I just knew he was going to need stitches. I picked him up and rushed him directly to our doctor's office, who luckily sees patients for a few hours on Saturday. I was so panicked that I never even called Trey. The doctor checked Holden, and to my relief, he decided to steri-strip his chin together - no stitches needed. Holden was an absolute trooper and never even shed a tear. He cried during the intial fall, but never again after that. Trey was sure shocked when we returned home a couple of hours later. Our orders to keep his chin dry for a week didn't work to well. The steri-strips fell off by Thursday. We are now keeping scar therapy strips on it that I had left over from my fall last year.

I don't mind his hair as much with gel in it, but Trey doesn't care for it.
Ok, so while looking at those pictures you probably noticed two things: a.) Holden's really bad haircut; and b.) his bandaged chin. On September 3rd, I took Holden to get a TRIM. My directions to the hair stylist were: "We like his hair long, we just want it trimmed around his ears, the back, and trimmed out of his eyes." She translated that into cut it into short, hacked layers all over with the shortest uneven bangs as possible. Our cute little beach blonde boy came out looking like Eddie Haskal. Once of my co-workers saw him, and sweetly asked if Holden had cut his hair himself. (Yes, it's that bad!) The sad part is that I paid $20 bucks for that haircut. Our only consolation is that it's hair, and it will grow back. But you can bet your bottom dollar that I won't be going back to that salon again.
On Saturday, September 13th, Trey didn't feel well so I took Holden to the park to play while he stayed home to rest. Holden was playing wonderfully, but then all of sudden fell down the steps of the play structure and hit his chin on the bottom step. When I checked him, he seemed fine, but then I saw the gaping cut on his chin and I just knew he was going to need stitches. I picked him up and rushed him directly to our doctor's office, who luckily sees patients for a few hours on Saturday. I was so panicked that I never even called Trey. The doctor checked Holden, and to my relief, he decided to steri-strip his chin together - no stitches needed. Holden was an absolute trooper and never even shed a tear. He cried during the intial fall, but never again after that. Trey was sure shocked when we returned home a couple of hours later. Our orders to keep his chin dry for a week didn't work to well. The steri-strips fell off by Thursday. We are now keeping scar therapy strips on it that I had left over from my fall last year.
I don't mind his hair as much with gel in it, but Trey doesn't care for it.
OMG... in that last picture of Holden, he looks like a 7 year old!!! He is growing up so fast! He's gonna be a heartbreaker for sure!
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