Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Holden has become so much more articulate with his talking. He's very specific, and has started including a lot of details in his stories. "Daddy and I went to get a coffee and donut today. He share with me - not the coffee, just the donut. I really liked it." He also says cute quirky things that I think just can't be taught. Like today he asked Trey, "Why are you mad on this very beautiful day?" I ask him all the time,"Where did you learn that?" because I just can't believe some of things that he comes up with. He's now returning that question to me, "Where did you learn that Mommy?"

We read a big brother book for a couple of months leading up to Cash's birth. One page talked about how much babies cry, and it said babies cry to tell us something. I used to ask him all the time, "What do you think Cash is trying to tell us?" Up until very recently he would say, "I think he wants milk." or "I think he has a bubble (in his tummy)." Within the last couple of weeks, he's using Cash's crying as a platform to express what HE wants. "I think Cash is trying to tell us he wants to go to the park." or "I think Cash is trying to tell us we should watch a show." or "I think Cash is trying to tell us we should have a treat." Yes, yes, that's exactly what Cash is trying to tell us!

Some of his words and sayings are just a little off too, and I think it's adorable. My friend, Jenn, reminded me that we sometimes make it to adulthood with saying things wrong. I think most of these he'll outgrow, but I love them so much I'm going to keep a list. I'll have to update this post as I remember them because I know I won't be able to remember them all right now.
Word/Phrase = How Holden says it
On your mark, get set, go = On your market, set, go
Forget= Get for (although this is becoming less and less)
Training wheels = Turning wheels


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