The Pumpkin Patch
We took the boys to the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday, October 24th. Holden, of course, LOVED it and Cash did too. We bought a pack of 12 tickets and Holden went wild. The workers were all so nice and gave long rides and long turns. At first, Cash just hung out with Mom & Dad and played with a few pumpkins, but then we started taking him on the rides we could do with him. He was so happy, and smiled through each ride. Cash got to go on the train, the merry-go-round, the monster truck ride, and the swings. The swings were our last ride for the night. Trey went to put Holden in a swing, and I told him Cash could go too. Trey disagreed and said he was too young. I pointed to another baby, a tiny little baby girl getting on about three swings ahead of Holden. The worker told Trey babies go all the time, so Cash got to go all by himself, and he loved it!

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