Our life seems busier than ever these days. I am back to work full time and it's definitely a team effort to keep all the balls up in the air over here. Although Trey and I feel the crunch to fit everything in, Holden is as happy as ever. He LOVES going to the district childcare and seems to be learning a lot from his friends there. Here are some highlights of the new and exciting things going on in Holden's life:

Holden LOVES eating his fruits and veggies! So far he's had: sweet potatoes, avocados, bananas, green beans, acorn squash, apples/apricots and papaya. The boy has got quite an appetite. I can already foresee that our future grocery bills are going to be high! To keep our grocery costs down now, we've decided to make most of Holden's baby food. I've cooked, mashed, pureed, and froze all of these fruits and veggies in ice cube trays. Once they're frozen I pop them out of the trays and store them in freezer ziploc bags. It's actually a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Holden got his first sippy cup this week. He plays with it more than drinking from it, but I guess that is part of the process. This is just another reminder that our little baby is growing up.

and then pass out from exhaustion. Trey had him in this exersaucer while he was taking a shower because Holden is into EVERYTHING these days. (We're past due on our baby-proofing.) Trey said he was playing happily, then got a distant stare, then just passed out right where he was. He slept for about 30 minutes just like this. An interesting side note to mention is that this is at about 7:00 in the morning. See post below about Holden's energy level at 5 am. I don't think life will ever be the same...well at least sleeping in wise!

Now when we go in to get Holden in the morning or after a nap, he's usually standing up in his crib waiting for us. We get a little chuckle from him when we walk in. He's got such a sense of humor these days!