Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Grace Girls

Lucky us! The Grace girls - Lori, Ryan, and Charlie - came down for a visit yesterday (2/18). The kids quickly began playing while Lori and I caught up on all our girl stuff. We hashed out all sorts of decorating dilemmas, parenting issues, and fashion ideas in the short time we were together. Gone are the days of long lunches, shopping excursions, and sleep overs. Our time was more like speed dating - Mommy Style. Now that we have a few years under our belts of being Mommies (Lori, a few more than me), we were able to begin a conversation, stop to help a child, and seamlessly pick it back up where we left off. Pretty impressive because I felt like we got everything in. I completely cherished our time together. Our kids had fun too. They ate lunch, played with toys, and rode their scooters. The memorable part for Lori and I will be how hungry they were. Together, they went through many a bar-bar! We didn't take many photos because we were having too much fun chatting it up, but we were able to catch a few.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Birthday Parties!

We've been to a lot of birthday parties recently. First, we went to Paxton Sammis' in January. Then to Carter's this past Wednesday (2/13) at Pump It Up. Today, we went to Will Wojtkowski's at Kidsville. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera for the Sammis boys' birthdays but I had it today for Will's pirate themed party.

Holden and Avery bonded up quickly. They haven't seen each other for a couple months so they wasted no time catching up. They pushed their baby around, drove fire trucks, and cooked up a storm.

The we headed in to the party room to do some pirate coloring.

Back out for a pirate scavenger hunt....

And then back in for CAKE! The first picture is worth blowing up. The party planner lit all the candles on the cake, but once she lit the candle closest to Holden, he immediately blew it out. She said, "No, don't blow it out!" and relit the candle. Then we immediately starting singing "Happy Birthday" to Will. I don't know if Holden's grumpy face is due to all the singing or getting scolded for blowing out the candles first. Luckily, all was forgotten once the cupcakes with blue frosting were passed out. We had a great day!

Valentine's Day

Trey was out of town, and I wasn't feeling too well, so Holden and I had a low key Valentine's Day. He woke up to sticker books and a card from Mommy and Daddy. (I've since learned he's still a little too young for the books. Instead of wanting to put the stickers on the pages with the matching picture, he tries to eat them.) Then he got to pass out Valentine's with his friends at school. That night I sprinkled some bath confetti in his bath that I received as a gift from a student. He ate that too. See his Who Me? Face in the fourth picture?

Weekend Pancakes

On the weekends when Trey is home, we usually make pancakes one of the mornings for breakfast. Holden likes "pancakes with butta and surrrrup". (We may just make them so we can hear him say the butta and surrrup part.) After we finished our breakfast on Sunday, 2/9, Trey invited Houston up to the table to enjoy the left overs. Holden thought it was hilarious, and to say it made Houston's day would be an understatement.

Sick Days

Holden was out of school for a week earlier this month (1/28-2/1). He had a super high fever, and was having tummy issues. Three other kids went home sick the same day he did (Monday, 1/28) so I was certain it was a virus. He was really lethargic and just wanted to sleep all day. I talked to the nurses at his pediatrician's office on Monday afternoon and Tuesday, they said to bring him in if he still had a fever on Wednesday. His fever continued so we brought him to the doctor on Wednesday afternoon. It turns out he had a severe tonsil infection. I felt really bad for not taking him in earlier. Trey stayed home with him on Thursday and Friday. Holden slept most of Thursday; this is where I found them when I came home that afternoon.