Monday, August 21, 2006

6 Months!

Our baby boy is 6 months old. I know....can you believe it?!?!? We feel like the last 3 months have absolutely flown by. Holden is active, super funny, and just a joy to be around (most of the time). We had his 6 month well visit with Dr. Rubenstein today. He weighs 17 lbs (45th percentile); his height is 27 3/8" (85th percentile); and his head circumference is 43 cm (15th percentile). We've got a tall boy! Holden received 2 more shots, and Trey and I got information on babyproofing and feeding him solid foods. Dr. Rubenstein wants us to start with veggies first. Tonight I was Suzy Homemaker and I made homemade baby food. I made and froze sweet potatoes and avocados. I can introduce a new food every 3 days. I think I'll start with the sweet potatoes and then move on to the avocados. We also get to add a middle of the day feeding; so now he'll have breakfast, lunch and dinner with solid food. I can't wait to see how he likes his new food.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Houston, We Have a Problem

A big problem! After working in my classroom for a good 6 hours yesterday (8/20), this is what Holden and I walked in to find. I'm still so upset I can hardly stand it. Houston had to be left inside because the gardener was supposed to be coming. My guess is that Houston smelled the cat food outside the kitty door and decided to go for it. Thank God I'm married to Trey; he can fix it pretty easily. But still...what a hassle.

That is the cat door casing, the actual cat door, and the kitty's food /water bowls.

We knew our dog was crazy, but I'm not sure we ever thought he was capable of this! Yes, you're seeing it correctly. Houston chewed a hole in our drywall!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Officially a Sitter-Upper & Other News

Well, Holden is officially a sitter-upper! He can stay seated on his own for, well, I guess for as long as he wants. He really doesn't fall over any more. He can even go from crawling to sitting up. Here's how he does it: he crawls around until he decides it's time to sit, then he stands up by straightening both legs while keeping his hands on the ground (think: downward facing dog), then he plops down on his bottom, and then sits and plays until something else tickles his fancy. We're so proud! (And I think we're ready for shopping carts and high chairs. Well, as soon as I find one of those nifty covers.)

Since Monday, his first day of school, he's been real crawling, not just army crawling. Hand, knee, hand, knee. He's got it! When he really wants to get somewhere fast though, he drops to his belly and high-tails it to his destination.

Holden had his first real food yesterday (8/16). He ate mashed bananas instead of his oatmeal cereal. He seemed to enjoy them, however he was a little confused by the texture at first. He had a little more this morning. Off we go into the world of food!

After 3 days of minimal napping at daycare, I decided to bring a white noise cd in to see if that would help Holden get some shut eye in his new environment. I was thrilled to hear that he slept for a good 1 hour and 20 minute nap today. Ashley, one of his awesome childcare providers, said he slept so soundly that had bed marks on his face when he woke up. We were all so proud of his big accomplishment!

Our Sitter-Upper!

This is the stand-up-to-sit-down move.

Here he is crawling down the hallway today (8/17).

This is the spot he picked to stop and enjoy. He really likes that he can explore other places besides his room now. Shortly after his little stay, he crawled into the kitchen, hit his head on something, and started screaming at the top of his lungs. I took him outside and Houston entertained us by doing hot laps around the yard. It was an instant distraction, and Holden soon started laughing at his silly puppy!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Back to School

Our baby started daycare today. We're calling it school at our house, it just makes me feel better that way. I dropped him off at about 8:30. There was only one other little girl there, Aine (pronounced on-ya). I ran errands and got so much accomplished in a short period of time - it was a little strange. I picked him up around 1:00 pm. They said he did a great job, but hadn't napped at all. He loved the gym equipment. They said he like to crawl up the foam wedge. I loaded him into the car and he fell asleep before we were out of the parking lot. He even stayed asleep while I took him out of the car seat and walked him into the house. I put him right into his crib and he slept for two and a half hours. Well, he woke in the middle of his nap to have a bottle, but I'm not sure if he was ever really awake. I'll take him for a little bit again tomorrow. I hope he gets used to it and can learn to take naps there.
Not the best picture, but here's Holden playing on the wedge.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Moving Up, Moving Down, Moving On

Holden's had four big milestones this week: he's moved up into a new bath seat, the Tubside Bath Seat; his crib mattress has moved down to the lowest level; he's sleeping later into the morning - no more 3 am waking; and he's eating more at a time.

Bath time has not been pleasant, at least for mom and dad, these last couple of weeks. He has face planted in the bath a couple of times, swallowed (choked on) water numerous times, and has just been plain hard to manage and keep safe. I researched baby baths and decided on the Tubside Bath Seat because I could fill the bath water up higher and he could have a "real" bath. In the seat, he can't bend over too far to suck on the water. It's a huge plus to return peace to bath time!

Holden is sitting up better and better everyday. He can now go from a crawling position to a seated position (sometimes with no hands touching the ground) all by himself. Like I predicted, he doesn't stay seated for very long before he's off to get something else. He is also starting to pull up a little on things, not very far - just to his knees or so. With this new sitting/pulling up ability, he was getting awfully close to the top of the crib when he would demonstrate these moves inside his crib. On Thursday night (7/10), he was hard to put down to sleep. He kept fussing and wanting more to eat. Normally, I would let him fuss a bit, but I kept panicking that he was going to fall out of his crib. This was also the night he eliminated the 3 am feeding. I woke up at 3:30 worried that he had fallen out of the crib and I just didn't hear it. He was sleeping safe and sound. Then at about 5:30 am, he woke up screaming an "I'm In Pain" kind of scream. I jumped out of bed, yelled out Trey's name in a panic, and ran into Holden's room hoping to find him still in one piece. He was still in one piece INSIDE of his crib, but had flung his leg over his bumper and got his foot stuck outside the bars. After this night of worrying, I knew it was time to move the mattress down.

Yesterday (7/12) while out running errands, I made Holden a 6 ounce bottle. He drank it down quickly and cried for more when he finished. I only had another pre-measured 6 ounce serving of formula, so I mixed it up thinking he'd only have another ounce or so. Well, to my surprise he drank another 4 ounces - making his feeding a total of 10 ounces! I guess we've hit the 6 month growth spurt! He's eating fewer times a day, but eating more at each feeding.

All of these are sure signs that our little boy is growing up. Life just keeps getting better and better with sweet Holden.

Dad moves the crib mattress down, so that Mom can sleep peacefully.

Holden sleeps safe and sound his in crib. Whew!

Holden LOVES his new bath seat!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Who Do You See?

The cutest thing happened yesterday. Holden crawled out of his room and into the hallway (which is something he does constantly now). Instead of pulling him back into his room, I decided to watch him to see what he would do. He crawled into Trey and I's bedroom because he spied a pair of my shoes that he wanted to get. I picked the shoes up so he couldn't get them in his mouth, and continued to watch him. He then spied another pair of my shoes by my night stand. It was a long trek for him; I could tell he stopped to think about if it was worth it or not to try to get them. On his way, he noticed the bathroom floor tile, which he started to grab at and play with. And then......he saw the mirror. He crawled right up to it and when he saw himself, he started to laugh. Like really laugh. It was so cute! He stayed and grabbed at his mirror image, tried to suck on it, and then started checking out his newest crawling moves in the mirror. Up on one leg, up on two legs, rock back and forth. He had so much fun - and I loved being a bystander.

Who is that?

Can I get it in my mouth?

Up on one leg....

Up on two legs...

....rock back and forth.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sitting Practice

If you were hanging out in the Fletcher household, about two or three times a day you'd here me say, "It's time for sitting practice." Sitting practice usually comes after we've tried every imaginable activity out there. Holden's sitting is getting remarkably more stable; he is able to stay up for about 30 to 45 seconds at a time. Lately (like since yesterday), even when he teeters a bit, he can keep his balance. The key is for me to put toys around him; otherwise, he spies one from across the room and is outta there!



...and over!

This morning's sitting practice (he's getting a little better):