Saturday, March 28, 2009

Washing Rocks

As if we didn't already know, Holden and Trey are eerily alike. The other day I went out to find Holden sitting in the backyard with a small bowl of water, a scrub brush, and a water bottle cut in half. When I asked him what he was doing, he matter-of-factly said, "Washing rocks." It reminded me of Trey scrubbing nuts and bolts in the garage and then lining them up in size order. One in the same these two, one in the same.

Holden Completes His Second Session of ISR

I am sooooo glad we did a refresher course of ISR for Holden this spring. He seemed to "get it" more quickly this time. He had quiet floats from the beginning, and Annette was able to get rid of his head popping up. He still tries to push his swim at times, but for the most part he did great. The last day of the session Trey got in the water with Holden. We are really glad he did, as Holden swam differently with Trey than he did with Annette alone. When he's with his dad he charges it - swims way too long and doesn't take long enough restful floats. It was great for Trey to receive tips on how to encourage proper technique. We LOVE Miss Annette and can't wait to see her again when Cash swims with her in June!

Dinner with Papa & Nana

Papa Gene and Nana Nancy came over for dinner on March 5th. We had a great time catching up with them. Holden showed off his puzzle working skills, and then his ability to chew carne asada for longer than any of us wanted to see. This trying new foods thing is not always easy or fun to watch. We loved our time with Papa and Nana and can't wait for their next trip home.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Cash Jones' Update

The second kid is so screwed on blog updates. Sorry Cash. This was supposed to be a three month update, but since he'll be 4 months next week this will be a right now (16 week) update.

Cash started laughing the week of February 23rd. He loves being around people and has started to "talk" back us. He'll coo and blow bubbles. He giggles often. He is such a happy baby!
2/23/09 - 11.5 weeks old

A happy laugh
3 months old (3/4/09) -Talking

He was waking up twice a night about a month ago, but now only wakes up once sometime between 3 am and 5 am. He had his longest sleep stretch last night (3/26). He slept from 6:30 to 4:45 (10 hours!), had a quick bottle and went back to sleep until 6:15. He's sort of falling into nap routine. He usually has a morning nap around 9 am, and has another around 1 pm. Sometimes he'll have a quick evening nap in the swing. But other times he'll skip it and we just put him down a little earlier. We still swaddle him. I've tried a few times to see if he'll sleep without the swaddle, but he wakes himself up. He's not ready to come out of it yet.

Within the last few weeks, he's become so much more alert and playful. He loves his aquarium bouncy seat, laying on the floor playing with toys, and occasionally sitting in the Bumbo seat playing with toys. He's grabbing for toys now, and he's close to rolling over. He is rolling onto his side from his back but hasn't completely been able to flip himself over yet. We just took down the Jumperoo today and Cash was totally intrigued. It was so cute seeing him it in.

Tummy Time!
Not loving it. ( 3/4/09)
A little bit happier with it. (3/21/09- 15 weeks old)
Aquarium bouncy seat. (3/6/09)
Sweet baby!

Sitting in the Bumbo. (3/25/09 - 16 weeks)
Likin' it.
Today, 3/27/09, 16 weeks old.
Playing with toys.
So happy!
The Jumperoo.
Cash is quite a little chunker. He is wearing 6 month old clothes and has grown out of most of the baby clothes we had for Holden. He's wearing clothes that Holden didn't wear until he was walking. I can't wait to take Cash to the doctor next week to see how he's measuring; I'm sure he'll be at the top of the charts.

Brothers! (3/13/09 - 14 weeks old)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Holden Turns Three

We celebrated Holden's third birthday here at home with our little family. He requested a pizza for dinner. All of our neighbors were out in the street playing when we got home with the pizza. In his excitement he shouted, "We got a pizza, a Birthday Pizza!" He blew out THREE candles on his birthday cupcake, opened presents, and then went to bed. Pretty uneventful really, but he was thrilled nontheless. He received lots of wonderful gifts: a tech deck skateboard, a Little Einsteins puzzle, a GeoTrax zoo track to add to his other Geo Trax train stuff, a Silly to Calm yoga video, and a T-ball set. The next morning he played with each of them and they pretty much kept him entertained all day.

About a day or two after his birthday he announced, "I want to wear underwear." And that was that - he did. He's been using the potty for pee ever since. Amazingly easy! (Disclaimer: If you don't want to read about poop stop reading now.) Poop has been an ongoing issue with Holden for as long as I can remember. He's had experiences with hard, hurting poops and then starting holding them in. After Cash was born, it got really bad. Out of control bad. I took him to the doctor in December and he was put on Miralax, a daily laxative and stool softener. We started with a half cap. He continued to hold. We went up to 3/4 of a cap. Still holding. I started giving him a full cap a day, the recommended dosage for adults. Somehow, Holden was still able to hold. He must have the strongest butt muscles in town! It's really quite a miraculous feat if you ask me. You can imagine the amount of pain he was in. Holding his poop in was starting to control his whole day. He was miserable and I felt helpless. We had periods where I let him wear diapers again because I thought he felt pressure from wearing underwear but the diapers didn't help. He still held. I called the doctor in tears last Friday (3/20), and was ready to take him to counseling, a behavioral psychologist, whatever it took. The doctor was already out of office, so I had to wait through the weekend. On Saturday, I started keeping a journal of Holden's daily struggle. I was horrified to see on paper that it literally started from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed. He didn't even have 20 minutes of relief the whole day. I went to breakfast with one of my sweet friends, Michele Chavez, on Sunday morning. Holden was of course holding. Michele and I talked a lot about what to do. Toward the end of our outing, I asked he if I should just force him to sit on the potty. And in her sweet counseling way, she said, "I'm sorry but I think you have to." That was all I needed to hear. We had been doing potty practice for weeks - timed sits on the potty just to get him over his fear. When we got home I announced it was time for potty practice. He ran and hopped on the potty, but forgot to set the timer. I didn't remind him and we sat in there and played with toys. When he felt the urge to go, he tried to hop off. This time, I said, "Nope you're staying. We're not getting up until you get your poop out." He screamed and cried but I held him on the potty until he went. He went and we celebrated. I knew he felt so much better. He's been going poop on the potty ever since. Anytime he shows the holding behavior, I march him into the bathroom. The doctor called on Monday and I was happy to report that we had literally worked it out. He told me to throw away the diapers and continue to do what I was doing. That night Holden and I threw away the diapers. He is so much happier. It still takes some coaxing to get him to the potty sometimes, but he's easily persuaded with a treat and a sticker.
Holden has always been a finicky eater. When he turned three, he started to try new foods because (in his words) "he was big now". Since his birthday, he's eating ham, hot dogs, turkey kielbasa, cucumbers, and red bell peppers. A huge improvement from chicken dinos, grilled cheese and quesadillas. I guess more important than the foods he's added to his diet is his willingness to try.
Holden's sleep seems to be a little more stable. Although he doesn't nap every day anymore, he does "sleep until it's light outside" (one of our sleep rules). He seems well rested even on days he doesn't nap. Surprisingly, he'll even tell us when he's tired and ready to rest.

His energy level is still ultra high, but in a good way. He keeps himself busy and entertained. More than anything, he loves working with his dad in the garage. They've become pretty unseperable lately. They ride bikes, scooters, motorcycles, and work on things in the garage. Holden is also a very caring and good friend to his peers. He's happy to share, and is willing to play what others want. He's easy to get along with and has lots of "best friends".

At his three year old well check, he was 40 inches and in the 90-95th %ile for height and weighed 34 pounds, 75th %ile. He met all of his three year old milestones and received the rest of his immunizations.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Eagle's Nest

On Saturday, February 21st we headed up to Eagle's Nest for a one night stay. The Sammis family, the Conley family, and the Felker girls joined us. We fished, rode the motorcycle, rode bikes, and snuggled in the cabin. We hadn't been in about six years; it was such a treat to be there with the kids. They had the best time! Houston also loved it. He swam, fished sticks and logs out of the lake, and chased the ducks. He was the happiest dog on Earth running wild and free. I think next time we'll stay for one more night, we just didn't have enough time.