Cash Jones' Update
The second kid is so screwed on blog updates. Sorry Cash. This was supposed to be a three month update, but since he'll be 4 months next week this will be a right now (16 week) update.
Cash started laughing the week of February 23rd. He loves being around people and has started to "talk" back us. He'll coo and blow bubbles. He giggles often. He is such a happy baby!
3 months old (3/4/09) -Talking
Within the last few weeks, he's become so much more alert and playful. He loves his aquarium bouncy seat, laying on the floor playing with toys, and occasionally sitting in the Bumbo seat playing with toys. He's grabbing for toys now, and he's close to rolling over. He is rolling onto his side from his back but hasn't completely been able to flip himself over yet. We just took down the Jumperoo today and Cash was totally intrigued. It was so cute seeing him it in.
Tummy Time!
Not loving it. ( 3/4/09)
A little bit happier with it. (3/21/09- 15 weeks old)
Aquarium bouncy seat. (3/6/09)
Sweet baby!
Sitting in the Bumbo. (3/25/09 - 16 weeks)
Likin' it.
Today, 3/27/09, 16 weeks old.
Playing with toys.
So happy!
The Jumperoo.

Cash is quite a little chunker. He is wearing 6 month old clothes and has grown out of most of the baby clothes we had for Holden. He's wearing clothes that Holden didn't wear until he was walking. I can't wait to take Cash to the doctor next week to see how he's measuring; I'm sure he'll be at the top of the charts.
Cash started laughing the week of February 23rd. He loves being around people and has started to "talk" back us. He'll coo and blow bubbles. He giggles often. He is such a happy baby!
He was waking up twice a night about a month ago, but now only wakes up once sometime between 3 am and 5 am. He had his longest sleep stretch last night (3/26). He slept from 6:30 to 4:45 (10 hours!), had a quick bottle and went back to sleep until 6:15. He's sort of falling into nap routine. He usually has a morning nap around 9 am, and has another around 1 pm. Sometimes he'll have a quick evening nap in the swing. But other times he'll skip it and we just put him down a little earlier. We still swaddle him. I've tried a few times to see if he'll sleep without the swaddle, but he wakes himself up. He's not ready to come out of it yet.
Within the last few weeks, he's become so much more alert and playful. He loves his aquarium bouncy seat, laying on the floor playing with toys, and occasionally sitting in the Bumbo seat playing with toys. He's grabbing for toys now, and he's close to rolling over. He is rolling onto his side from his back but hasn't completely been able to flip himself over yet. We just took down the Jumperoo today and Cash was totally intrigued. It was so cute seeing him it in.
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