Craziness. Our little baby is becoming a little boy. I know I say this every month, but boy is this kid busy! This month I went back and read the blog from about a year ago. I had to crack up because I wrote about how tired I was because of his busy-ness back then. If I only knew then what I know now! Holden is the epitome of bouncing baby boy.
He's grown a lot in the last couple of months. He's still tall and lean, with skinny little arms. His cute round toddler belly is perfect for tickling and blowing rasberries on. We're still in the process of getting new clothes because of his latest growth spurt. I just went to buy him new shoes today, and he's wearing a size 7! I really couldn't believe it, and then I felt bad that I have been squeezing him into his size 5's.
He surprises us daily with all the new words he's picking up. Today he was looking at a book and said airplane as clear as day. Earlier in the week Trey farted, and Holden looked up at him and said "poo-poo". We laughed so hard! And then today, Holden told me when he had "poo-poo" in his diaper. I'm enjoying the convenience of that one. He can identify his body parts when asked: hair, nose, ears, belly, toes, hands, eyes. And he continues to "yep!" at all of our yes/no questions. Lately, we've enjoyed tricking him.
Do you want to go to school? Yep.
Do you want to play? Yep.
Should we put on your shoes? Yep.
Do you want to go take a nap? Yep. Pause. Nnnnnoooooo. Nnoo. The long nnnnn sound before the no comes out really cracks me up.
He understands everything we say, can follow one direction at a time, and we've been able to start reasoning with him. Well, kind of. "You need to have one more bite of chicken before we give you more fruit." Sometimes he'll do it, other times he'll shake his head and say no, usually followed by a piece of food or utensil being thrown from his high chair. Today I couldn't get him to sit still enough to put back on his diaper, so he was running around naked. I went into the bathroom to comb my hair, he followed and of course wanted the to use the comb on his hair. I knew I had my window of opportunity. "Sit down so I can put on your diaper, and I'll give you the comb." Worked like a charm!
He's down to one nap a day; he usually sleeps between two and three hours. No new teeth this month, although I attributed some of his night wakings to them.
Holden has become attached to his dee-dee this month (blankie). He loves it and finds comfort in its closeness to him. He lovingly calls to it when we enter his room and he sees it in his crib, "DEE-DEE". He also loves motorcycles and trucks. He identifies all the trucks he sees while out driving and will scream cuk, cuk, cuk, cuk until the person driving recognizes that he sees a truck. Bicylces are thrown into the motorcylce category. Those are all called "ga". He is still very interested in sweeping, vacuuming, and cleaning in general. Now if only he was effective cleaner.....