Seventeen Months
Every month before I start this developmental post, I try to think of one major thing the past month brings to mind. This month it's TEMPER TANTRUMS. Now it's not like he hasn't had them before, but this month they've been different. I'm not sure how quite to explain it but can say that I was completely caught off guard. I kinda figured I should expect these mini-crisis' around 2 years old but....they're here. Now. The littlest thing can set him off - sometimes it's simply shutting the bedroom door or changing his diaper and other times it's getting dressed or that he didn't get his way. They're just like what I've read about - a summer storm. Sudden, unexpected, and I just have to wait for them to pass. Redirecting him doesn't work, and in fact just makes them a little worse. No!s echo through the room while his little legs and arms kick and flail about. I've learned to just sit there and say, "Mommy knows. I'm right here." while he freaks out around me. I've learned that as soon as I stop trying to end them, they melt away on their own.
Although I've logged some of my most challenging mommy days ever this month, they've been balanced by some of the most rewarding. One day can be filled with tantrums, and then the next be graced with a cooperative, funny, happy boy. We usually know within the first five minutes of him waking up what kind of day it's going to be. This month he's changed - he's still full of energy but now he can sit and play a structured activity with me. Our favorite has been to roll different types of trucks back and forth to each other across the coffee table. Sometimes, we pick two types of trucks and race them against each other to see which will go farther. I've noticed a new openness to listen to instructions and be willing to try them.
Early in the month Holden began counting "Two, TEEEEEE" when he would roll his trucks. (He's never said one still to this day.) I've become keenly aware this month that I do a three count for just about every routine we do - hair washing, getting in the car seat, high chair, etc.; so I didn't think his counting was that big of a deal. Well one day last week, we were driving to Target and I heard him counting in the backseat two, tee, fo. I freaked out - he just counted to four! I said five - he repeated fi. I said six, he repeated si (short i). Now I can't remember the details exactly because it was one of those moments when you're completely in shock and you don't want to forget a thing; but are also so excited you want to live completely in the moment. It was definitely a MOMENT for me. How did my kid learn to count?!?! I think we repeated counting to six one or two more times (with one always omitted by Holden). And then it was over. I've heard him counting to himself around the house - two, tee, si. Other times it's two, tee, fo, si. And just today I could have sworn I heard him count to six, but it just seems so impossible that I justified after the fact that something was a little off. How in the world did this kid learn to count - I know I certainly didn't teach him and to be quite honest I don't think they're teaching him in daycare. It makes me a little scared actually, what else is he picking up on? Needless to say, we've cleaned up our act a little around the house. We've been saying lots of excuse me's, and pleases and thank yous. I'm constantly asking myself, would I be ok with that if he repeated that in public?
Holden has acquired lots of new words this month; he's talking a lot. He's pretty much using talking as his main form of communication with us now. But sometimes he speaks in whole sentences, without a word of it understandable. Other times we can make out a word. We usually just respond by agreeing, "Yeah." or "Really?" He can play the "What does a (insert animal here) say?" Game. He can do the sound for duck, doggy, kitty cat, monkey, snake, lion, and brown cow.
I think he has two teeth coming in as we speak. I'm going to be thankful when they're all here. Holden deals with pain by getting aggressive. I've been bruised and scratched all summer due to his biting, hitting and scratching. I've learned to keep him happy and to not let him get too excited because that too can spur a biting session. I hope this is something that will pass, because I don't want one of those kids. Not a fun phase.
He mimics our mannerisms a lot which is so cute. He'll pat his leg and try to call Houston. He's such a little boy now - seems like he's all grown up! He's a total crack up and loves to make people laugh. Let me tell you - he makes me laugh multiple times a day. He has such an exuberance for life. We're so lucky he's ours!
These pictures pretty much sum up our month. One minute totally calm and serene, the next Oh-My-God did he just do that? He's found that his nose has holes in it. He doesn't pick it necessarily, but has a fascination with sticking his finger in it. Great!

Although I've logged some of my most challenging mommy days ever this month, they've been balanced by some of the most rewarding. One day can be filled with tantrums, and then the next be graced with a cooperative, funny, happy boy. We usually know within the first five minutes of him waking up what kind of day it's going to be. This month he's changed - he's still full of energy but now he can sit and play a structured activity with me. Our favorite has been to roll different types of trucks back and forth to each other across the coffee table. Sometimes, we pick two types of trucks and race them against each other to see which will go farther. I've noticed a new openness to listen to instructions and be willing to try them.
Early in the month Holden began counting "Two, TEEEEEE" when he would roll his trucks. (He's never said one still to this day.) I've become keenly aware this month that I do a three count for just about every routine we do - hair washing, getting in the car seat, high chair, etc.; so I didn't think his counting was that big of a deal. Well one day last week, we were driving to Target and I heard him counting in the backseat two, tee, fo. I freaked out - he just counted to four! I said five - he repeated fi. I said six, he repeated si (short i). Now I can't remember the details exactly because it was one of those moments when you're completely in shock and you don't want to forget a thing; but are also so excited you want to live completely in the moment. It was definitely a MOMENT for me. How did my kid learn to count?!?! I think we repeated counting to six one or two more times (with one always omitted by Holden). And then it was over. I've heard him counting to himself around the house - two, tee, si. Other times it's two, tee, fo, si. And just today I could have sworn I heard him count to six, but it just seems so impossible that I justified after the fact that something was a little off. How in the world did this kid learn to count - I know I certainly didn't teach him and to be quite honest I don't think they're teaching him in daycare. It makes me a little scared actually, what else is he picking up on? Needless to say, we've cleaned up our act a little around the house. We've been saying lots of excuse me's, and pleases and thank yous. I'm constantly asking myself, would I be ok with that if he repeated that in public?
Holden has acquired lots of new words this month; he's talking a lot. He's pretty much using talking as his main form of communication with us now. But sometimes he speaks in whole sentences, without a word of it understandable. Other times we can make out a word. We usually just respond by agreeing, "Yeah." or "Really?" He can play the "What does a (insert animal here) say?" Game. He can do the sound for duck, doggy, kitty cat, monkey, snake, lion, and brown cow.
I think he has two teeth coming in as we speak. I'm going to be thankful when they're all here. Holden deals with pain by getting aggressive. I've been bruised and scratched all summer due to his biting, hitting and scratching. I've learned to keep him happy and to not let him get too excited because that too can spur a biting session. I hope this is something that will pass, because I don't want one of those kids. Not a fun phase.
He mimics our mannerisms a lot which is so cute. He'll pat his leg and try to call Houston. He's such a little boy now - seems like he's all grown up! He's a total crack up and loves to make people laugh. Let me tell you - he makes me laugh multiple times a day. He has such an exuberance for life. We're so lucky he's ours!
These pictures pretty much sum up our month. One minute totally calm and serene, the next Oh-My-God did he just do that? He's found that his nose has holes in it. He doesn't pick it necessarily, but has a fascination with sticking his finger in it. Great!