The Grace Girls
Lucky us! The Grace girls - Lori, Ryan, and Charlie - came down for a visit yesterday (2/18). The kids quickly began playing while Lori and I caught up on all our girl stuff. We hashed out all sorts of decorating dilemmas, parenting issues, and fashion ideas in the short time we were together. Gone are the days of long lunches, shopping excursions, and sleep overs. Our time was more like speed dating - Mommy Style. Now that we have a few years under our belts of being Mommies (Lori, a few more than me), we were able to begin a conversation, stop to help a child, and seamlessly pick it back up where we left off. Pretty impressive because I felt like we got everything in. I completely cherished our time together. Our kids had fun too. They ate lunch, played with toys, and rode their scooters. The memorable part for Lori and I will be how hungry they were. Together, they went through many a bar-bar! We didn't take many photos because we were having too much fun chatting it up, but we were able to catch a few.