Motorcycles and Bikes
Trey and Holden still ride around the neighborhood most weekends on the Honda Trail 70 motorcycle. Holden absolutely LOVES it - he's already a total motorhead. Trey has taught him to turn on the key, turn the gas on, and the most exciting part put his hands on the throttle and gas while they drive. (I know it sounds scary but it's really not.) Trey and Holden both have their hands on the handlebars and Holden is basically in charge of the gas. Trey tells him when to slow down and when to "give it more". Holden talks about things he's done after the fact, so sometimes I hear him saying "slow down when go around 'da corner". His dad loves it. Holden's absolute favorite errand to run with Trey is when he has to go to the motorcylce shop for parts for The Bay. We went the other day and he cried when we left. He kept saying, "I want one. I want one home with me, Daddy." All the guys in the place got a kick out of that.
A couple of weeks ago, Trey decided to take the training wheels off of Holden's bike to see how he'd do. He did pretty good, but didn't last long. After about two minutes, he asked for his training wheels to go back on.
I have pictures of the bike riding, but not of the motorcycle riding. I'll have to capture those next time they ride.

A couple of weeks ago, Trey decided to take the training wheels off of Holden's bike to see how he'd do. He did pretty good, but didn't last long. After about two minutes, he asked for his training wheels to go back on.
I have pictures of the bike riding, but not of the motorcycle riding. I'll have to capture those next time they ride.