Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Cash - 2 Months Old
The days have seemed long, yet these two months seem to have flown by. How is our little baby already 2 months old? We went to his well check on Wednesday, 2/4 and he checked out great. He weighed 12 pounds 5 ounces (70th %ile). He was 23 inches long (55th %ile), and his head circumference was 38 cm (15th %ile). He received four vaccinations. He's already measuring so differently than Holden was at this age. Holden was only in the 25%ile for weight at his 2 month check-up, and was always really tall. I love the little fat rolls on Cash's legs, it's such a new experience for us!
Cash Jones has a real social smile now. In the beginning he reserved his smiles for all the ceiling fans in the house, (Seriously, he loved the ceiling fans!) but now we get huge smiles when he sees us. He has found his hands and loves to suck on his balled up fists. He makes the cutest cooing noises now. Holden is thrilled - he yells, "He's talking!" I am also happy to report that Cash takes a pacifier when falling asleep. He won't suck on it any other time other than right before he falls asleep. It definitely helps soothe him, and makes me happy beyond belief.
Sleep has been a journey. He now sleeps in his crib all night with only two night wakings - sometime between 1:00 and 2:00 and the other between 4:00 and 5:00. He had a horrible habit of waking every hour from 3 to 6, but I just broke him of that. I had to let him cry a little in his crib. I would go in and offer the pacifier, but really just had to let him work it out. It only took one night. I'll be thrilled when he drops the middle of the night feeding. I don't really think he needs it so that may be our next thing to tackle. I couldn't be happier with how quickly he established an easy bedtime. I can put him in his crib with a pacifier right at 7:00 and he falls asleep all on his own. It's the easiest thing ever. Falling asleep on his own happened kind of on accident. He was swaddled in his crib while I was getting Holden dressed for bed. Cash started to cry. I was just about to go get him when Holden started having a major freak out - he didn't want those jammies, wanted different socks, you get the picture....Cash cried for about 5 minutes and then he fell asleep. The next night I put him in his crib asleep and started to give Holden a bath. Cash woke up and cried for few minutes and then fell back to sleep. Ever since all I have to do is put him in his crib and he falls asleep on his own. He doesn't even want to be rocked.
Cash is definitely not getting the ample amounts of tummy time, Gymboree play classes, daily photo sessions, and warm baths each night that his brother got; but I'm telling myself he's going to be very well adjusted because of it. He really is a good baby. Things are definitely looking up since he's now completely formula fed. He eats between 4 and 5 ounces every 3 hours. He's quite the chunky little guy, and is quickly growing out of his 0-3 month clothing.
Holden loves his baby brother so much, and he often says those exact words, "I love my baby brother sooo much!" He wants Cash with us all the time. Holden has started "reading" books to Cash at bedtime. Today (2/12) as Cash was laying on his play mat Holden threw his half eaten apple at Cash's hand. After a time-out I asked him if why he threw an apple at Cash. He said, "I didn't want to break him." I said, "Well why did you throw it then?" He said, "I just wanted to play with him." We, again, had to go over the way Cash can play. We can sit and talk to him or show him toys, but he can't catch things yet.
These pictures were taken about a week apart. The ones in the white onesie were taken on January 31st. The ones in the blue striped shirt were taken on February 7th, and the last one was taken February 11th. Can you see him growing right before your eyes? I swear he gets bigger every day.

Cash Jones has a real social smile now. In the beginning he reserved his smiles for all the ceiling fans in the house, (Seriously, he loved the ceiling fans!) but now we get huge smiles when he sees us. He has found his hands and loves to suck on his balled up fists. He makes the cutest cooing noises now. Holden is thrilled - he yells, "He's talking!" I am also happy to report that Cash takes a pacifier when falling asleep. He won't suck on it any other time other than right before he falls asleep. It definitely helps soothe him, and makes me happy beyond belief.
Sleep has been a journey. He now sleeps in his crib all night with only two night wakings - sometime between 1:00 and 2:00 and the other between 4:00 and 5:00. He had a horrible habit of waking every hour from 3 to 6, but I just broke him of that. I had to let him cry a little in his crib. I would go in and offer the pacifier, but really just had to let him work it out. It only took one night. I'll be thrilled when he drops the middle of the night feeding. I don't really think he needs it so that may be our next thing to tackle. I couldn't be happier with how quickly he established an easy bedtime. I can put him in his crib with a pacifier right at 7:00 and he falls asleep all on his own. It's the easiest thing ever. Falling asleep on his own happened kind of on accident. He was swaddled in his crib while I was getting Holden dressed for bed. Cash started to cry. I was just about to go get him when Holden started having a major freak out - he didn't want those jammies, wanted different socks, you get the picture....Cash cried for about 5 minutes and then he fell asleep. The next night I put him in his crib asleep and started to give Holden a bath. Cash woke up and cried for few minutes and then fell back to sleep. Ever since all I have to do is put him in his crib and he falls asleep on his own. He doesn't even want to be rocked.
Cash is definitely not getting the ample amounts of tummy time, Gymboree play classes, daily photo sessions, and warm baths each night that his brother got; but I'm telling myself he's going to be very well adjusted because of it. He really is a good baby. Things are definitely looking up since he's now completely formula fed. He eats between 4 and 5 ounces every 3 hours. He's quite the chunky little guy, and is quickly growing out of his 0-3 month clothing.
Holden loves his baby brother so much, and he often says those exact words, "I love my baby brother sooo much!" He wants Cash with us all the time. Holden has started "reading" books to Cash at bedtime. Today (2/12) as Cash was laying on his play mat Holden threw his half eaten apple at Cash's hand. After a time-out I asked him if why he threw an apple at Cash. He said, "I didn't want to break him." I said, "Well why did you throw it then?" He said, "I just wanted to play with him." We, again, had to go over the way Cash can play. We can sit and talk to him or show him toys, but he can't catch things yet.
These pictures were taken about a week apart. The ones in the white onesie were taken on January 31st. The ones in the blue striped shirt were taken on February 7th, and the last one was taken February 11th. Can you see him growing right before your eyes? I swear he gets bigger every day.
The boys and I made a trip to Visalia on Saturday, 1/31. We picked up my sister, Jill, on the way. It was really great to catch up with her - we haven't seen each other for a long time. It made the 5+ hours in the car fly by. We stopped in Bakersfield to see Amanda, Caleb, and JR on the way too. Once we were at my parent's house all hell broke loose. One of my boys were crying or in crisis at any given moment. Neither slept very well, which made me one crabby exhausted mama. On Sunday, Holden fell while riding his scooter and cut his face. I thought he needed stitches at first glance but it turned out to be pretty superficial. Thank God for my mom and sister - they helped soooo much and I could not have made it through without them. We left on Monday morning, and did the same stops on the way. We stopped to see Amanda and Caleb, and then stopped again to drop Jill off. We made it home by Monday evening around 5 pm. I love going to visit my family, and I'm coming to terms with traveling just not being easy for the next couple of years.