4 Months Old

Holden is 4 months old! We had his well check appointment today. He recieved 4 more shots. OUCH! His dad held him through his shots and I looked away. I think the shots are just as hard for me as they are for little Holden. He is a very healthy boy:
- Weight....14 pounds 10 ounces - 50th percentile
- Height....25 3/8 inches - 75th percentile
- Head Circumference.....41 cm - 25th percentile
- Start eating rice cereal now
- Start following our movements and voice with his eyes
- Continue rolling over (let's hope he masters tummy to back soon!)
- He may start to sit with support
- Think it is funny when we play peek-a-boo
- Start to look for objects out of sight (object permanence)
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