Yesterday (10/14), I went to the mall and Target with Michelle, her two boys Caydan and Gavin, and Holden. At the end of the busy day, I reflected on how different our shopping experience has become.
First of all, gone are the days of picking each other up and chatting the whole way to the mall. We drove separate cars so we wouldn't have to move our baby's carseats.
When we got to UTC and loaded the kids into their strollers (she still has the Snap and Go - I'm so jealous!), we started our spree in the Nordstrom baby department. I needed to buy
shoes for Holden. As soon as we got his feet sized and the shoes purchased, the boys let us know that they were hungry. Well, Holden did - Gavin is an angel child. I didn't hear him cry once the whole time.
Our next stop was the Nordstrom Mother's Lounge. We fed and changed the boys, and about thirty minutes later we ventured back out. We contemplated going to Pottery Barn Kids, but decided we were over it. It seemed like too much work. We headed back to our cars, got everyone and everything packed in, and headed to Target.
Once we got there, we stopped into the new Babies R Us which just opened next door. I purchased a
Buggy Bagg shopping cart cover. We immediately put it to use on the Target shopping cart. We LOVED it! (I think this is going into my Top Three Favorite Baby Items - #1 and #2 being the Snap and Go and the high chair.)
Target was packed. We no longer browsed the aisles like we used to, instead we divided and conquered. We each took turns heading down aisles, while the other stayed with the babies. We made it out of there in one piece and were happy to head home. It was a fun day spending time with Michelle and her boys, just a very different experience than it used to be!

Holden and Gavin get ready for the Babies R Us adventure.

Holden literally shops at a whole new level. He loved being up high, and was entertained by the sights and sounds of his fellow shoppers. Shopping was easy with him, so in my book, the cover was worth every penny.