Sunday, August 30, 2009
Holden has been very into surfing this summer - his new favorite movie has been Surf's Up. He enjoyed watching the surfers at the beach, but when we asked him if he wanted to surf, he'd say, "No, when I'm a little older." He wanted to be as big as his dad before he tried. Trey took him with "the guys" this week - Scott & Gavin, Mark & Michael, and Jamie. Holden stood up on the surfboard for the first time and he was hooked. He's asked me everyday since if I could take him surfing. We had a family beach day yesterday, and Holden had many surf sessions. He LOVES it!

Monday, August 24, 2009
First Day of Daycare 2009
Holden and Cash started back to daycare today. Holden was so excited to go back and see Gravedigger and all of his friends. Even though he has a Gravedigger monster truck here at home, he couldn't wait to go see the one at school. Holden started to get a little sad when I was about to leave, but then his friend Caitlin walked in and he forgot all about me.
Cash went right into Emily's arms and then played on the floor with a little girl named Elise. He seemed happy. I don't think he even realized I left.
I hope they both have a great first day. I was so excited for today to come and to finally have a day to myself, but now that they're not with me I'm sad. They're a spunky pair that keep me on my toes.
Cash went right into Emily's arms and then played on the floor with a little girl named Elise. He seemed happy. I don't think he even realized I left.
I hope they both have a great first day. I was so excited for today to come and to finally have a day to myself, but now that they're not with me I'm sad. They're a spunky pair that keep me on my toes.
Friday, August 21, 2009
CJ Goes to the Waterpark
Last week (8/14) we took Cashy to our community pool to go in the water park for the first time - he loved it! He loved splashing in the little spouts, and licking the water (yuck!). At one point, he got himself stuck right in front of a tall water fall. He didn't know to move, so he just sat there getting all wet. Too cute! Luckily, his mama saved him pretty quickly. Holden ran around showing Cash the ropes. He's such a big boy now.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Bath Hats
It's a party in the bath every night with Holden and Cash. They crack each other up. Just about every night we put on "hats". Cash usually gets the turquoise hospital tub, while Holden and I use the little stackable cups. It's super fun when Cash gets a "double-decker hat". I yell out, "OH DOUBLE-DECKER HAT!", and we all crack up. I have a feeling Cash is going to be a little party animal. He's all about fun!

Cash is Crawling!
On August 9th Cash did his first forward motion crawling - hand, knee, hand, knee. Just in time for Nana Judy to see! Since then he's made huge progress - he's crawling across the room now. He loves being independent and that toys are no longer out of reach. Yesterday, I saw that he wanted a ball. He started to sit, and then a little wave of recognition occurred. He remembered he could crawl. He crawled over and got the ball and was SO HAPPY! It made me smile. It's so wonderful celebrating these milestones with your kids.

Nana Judy!
Nana Judy came for a visit on August 9th. We took the boys to the park in the late afternoon. Cash played in the sand and rode on a swing for the first time. At one point, he fell backwards into the sand and just laid there. He loved the feel of the sand. When we put him on the swing, he chuckled with joy. It was the happiest sound on Earth! Cash LOVED the swing. Holden climbed to the top of the big rock all by himself. He was so determined and kept working at it until he found a path that he could make it up.

On August 10th we all went to Legoland. Nana stayed with Cash while Holden and I rode rides. Sorry no pictures...I brought the video camera instead.
Before Nana left on the 11th, we decorated the caterpillar cake that we baked the day before. Holden was so happy with the finished product!

On August 10th we all went to Legoland. Nana stayed with Cash while Holden and I rode rides. Sorry no pictures...I brought the video camera instead.
Before Nana left on the 11th, we decorated the caterpillar cake that we baked the day before. Holden was so happy with the finished product!
Cash Completes his ISR Lessons
Cash finished his ISR lessons on Friday, August 7th. One of his last "tests" was to wear winter clothes into the pool (Thursday, August 6th). It was actually his first time ever wearing shoes and socks! He did great, even with winter clothes and a regular diaper. He was put into all of the most difficult placements and passed with flying colors. I teared up through most of the lesson, so happy and proud of Baby Cash.

8 Months Old
Cash is eight months old. He is a very happy, easy going baby. He's got such a great personality and loves to make people laugh, especially Holden. They crack each other up, and roll around on the floor together. Their playtime usually ends with Cash pulling Holden's hair and sucking on his face. I love seeing these brothers together.
Cash is sleeping great from 7 pm to about 6:30 am. He takes two solid naps a day around 8:30 and 1:30. He eats three meals of fruits and veggies and drinks 24-28 ounces of formula a day. He has lost his chunky figure and has grown really tall. I think he'll be over the 100th percentile for height at his next appointment. Cash still has NO teeth. They are right below his gum line. In fact, I can see fully formed teeth right there, but they've still not cut through. Everyday I'm sure they're going to pop through but it just isn't happening. I think once the first one cuts through, they're all going to pop out. Little Cash looks like an old guy without his dentures in; he sits around chomping his gums together. Come 'on already teeth!
Cash is definitely on the move but is not officially crawling on his eight month birthday. We moved his crib mattress down due to his increased mobility. He got in and the first thing he did was stand up in it. I ran down to get the camera, and he did sort of stand up again, but not like the first time.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Baby in the Corner
August 3rd - At this point, it's really no use putting the blanket down on the ground for Cash. It ends up all bunched up and he's off it in a second anyway. Cash is backing himself up now. On this particular day, he backed himself up into the corner. Luckily, he has a great big brother that came to play with him!