Monday, December 29, 2008
Aunt Kim
Aunt Kim came down on Tuesday (12/16) evening to see Cash and bring gifts for the boys. She immediately fell in love with her newest nephew. Holden loved seeing her and especially loved the new Darth Vader helmet he got to open. (You can see his big bruised chin in the picture from where he just about put all of front teeth through his lip a couple of days before.)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Cash's First Bath
Cash's cord fell off quickly, just a week after he was born, so he received his first bath at home on Friday, December 12th. He didn't love the experience, but didn't completely dislike it either. He enjoyed it much more when we had the warm washcloth draped over his little body. The worst part was when his daddy had to rip off a band-aid that had been stuck on his leg since the hospital. Luckily, it was over quickly and he soon found himself snuggled up in a warm towel.

We Love Nana Judy
Nana Judy came on Wednesday, December 3rd just in time for Cash's birth. Like usual, she was amazing in every way. She stayed with me in the hospital, made pancakes for the boys, played with Holden, baked cookies, did all my laundry, and comforted me during my hormone crash. We loved every minute of her visit and were sad to see her leave on Thursday, December 11th.
You may remember that she bought a book, Little Quack, for Holden and read it to him when he was days old. She did the same for Cash. Cash's book, Little Gorilla, is a sweet book, which shows that adults continue to love a child as he grows. These books will be special in our family forever. You should see Holden's copy of Little Quack - it's torn and tattered from the hundreds of readings, but well loved.

You may remember that she bought a book, Little Quack, for Holden and read it to him when he was days old. She did the same for Cash. Cash's book, Little Gorilla, is a sweet book, which shows that adults continue to love a child as he grows. These books will be special in our family forever. You should see Holden's copy of Little Quack - it's torn and tattered from the hundreds of readings, but well loved.
ATC 70
With all the kids in our group of friends, Trey and Scott decided to restore the ATC 70 that has been passed around their group of friends since high school. They tore it apart, and had the parts powder coated, painted, and rechromed. They replaced many parts. While Trey has been home with me and the boys he has been working on putting it back together. It started out in parts all over our garage. Holden enjoyed helping his dad work on the motorcycle. Trey had the body together by Wedensday, December 10th, and Holden went for his first spin. The engine is still not together so Trey pushed him up and down the street. Holden loved every minute of it.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Holden is getting used to the fact that Cash is here to stay. He asks to hold him everyday and likes to kiss the top of his head. Any time Cash makes a little squeak, Holden will ask, "What is he saying?" If I say I don't know, he'll answer himself. "I think he's saying he wants milk. From your boob." I tell him he's probably right.
He's really trying to get a handle on this nursing thing. He raised his shirt the other night, looked at his flat little boobs and said, " I can't feed him - mine are too small. But you can feed him - yours are big. Yeah, mine are too small." We processed the whole nursing thing together for a few minutes. Seeing him standing there with his shirt pulled up trying to figure it out was so cute I don't ever think I'll ever forget it as long as I live.
He's really trying to get a handle on this nursing thing. He raised his shirt the other night, looked at his flat little boobs and said, " I can't feed him - mine are too small. But you can feed him - yours are big. Yeah, mine are too small." We processed the whole nursing thing together for a few minutes. Seeing him standing there with his shirt pulled up trying to figure it out was so cute I don't ever think I'll ever forget it as long as I live.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
A Family of Four Heading Home from the Hospital
We came home from the hospital on Monday, December 8th. Cash and I adjusted well. Holden, on the other hand, was not sure if he liked his little brother being home. I'm sure it will take some time for him to adjust to sharing his Mommy and Daddy with Cash. We're happy to be home together, and are grateful to be a family of four.

Cash is Born
Cash's delivery was peaceful, and an overall great experience. We went in to Scripps Memorial Hospital at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 4th. I got my room and was hooked up to monitors, and answered a million questions from the nurses. Promptly at 12:00 p.m., I was wheeled into the operating room and they started to prep me for delivery. Cash was born at 12:24 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces, was 19.5 inches long, had a full head of hair, and a beautiful hearty cry. Trey cut got to cut his cord and stayed by his side for the rest of the c-section procedure. After surgery, I went back to the same room I was in before for recovery. As soon as I could move my legs and toes (around 2:00) I was taken to my maternity room where I stayed for the next 4 days. I was awake and alert through the entire process and loved the whole thing. It was a perfect delivery. All of my nurses were beyond amazing for my entire stay. My recovery over the next couple of days was not always easy, in fact I'll go as far as to say it was hard and painful. I'm glad I stayed the full four days to recover.

Holden came to meet his baby brother after school on Thursday. He opened presents Cash had brought him, and loved him immediately. During his visit Cash received his first bath. Trey went in with Cash, and Nana Judy and Holden watched from the window. When it was time to leave, Holden cried because he wanted to take Baby Cash home ( he didn't really care about mom and Nana Judy staying). Trey walked Holden out to the nurses station and Holden asked the head nurse if he could take Cash home. She was really cute with him and told him not tonight, but to ask her again tomorrow. He received a $2.00 certificate to spend on a treat at the food court for being a great big brother.

Trey, Nana Judy and Holden visited everyday. I sent them all home the second night and stayed alone with Cash. It was not the easiest thing because it was still really painful to move around. My mom stayed with me the third night and I stayed alone again on my last night. I loved my time with Cash in the hospital.

Holden came to meet his baby brother after school on Thursday. He opened presents Cash had brought him, and loved him immediately. During his visit Cash received his first bath. Trey went in with Cash, and Nana Judy and Holden watched from the window. When it was time to leave, Holden cried because he wanted to take Baby Cash home ( he didn't really care about mom and Nana Judy staying). Trey walked Holden out to the nurses station and Holden asked the head nurse if he could take Cash home. She was really cute with him and told him not tonight, but to ask her again tomorrow. He received a $2.00 certificate to spend on a treat at the food court for being a great big brother.
Trey, Nana Judy and Holden visited everyday. I sent them all home the second night and stayed alone with Cash. It was not the easiest thing because it was still really painful to move around. My mom stayed with me the third night and I stayed alone again on my last night. I loved my time with Cash in the hospital.