My mom, grandma, Holden and I left San Diego on Friday, June 30th and drove to Visalia. (Trey had to work over the holiday weekend so he stayed home.) We had a great time. In the beginning it was a little difficult to entertain Holden without all of our baby creature comforts. By 9:30 on Saturday morning, I had sung every song I knew to Holden and he had more blanket time than he could handle. Mom and I went to Target and got the Baby Einstein Exersaucer. Boy....what a life saver! We also got him a baby pool raft and he went in the small jacuzzi pool for the first time on Saturday. He was ok with the pool, but I can't say he loved it. He was pretty indifferent about the whole thing. He didn't get back in the rest of the trip.
Jill's family came into town on Monday afternoon. We had a great time in the pool that afternoon. Holden got lots of love and attention from his Aunt Jill, Uncle Randy, and cousins Amanda, Mackenzie and Tabatha. My mom made a great bbq dinner!
On Tuesday, the 4th of July, we woke up to Jud making yummy waffles. Then it was back out to the pool for us. That evening we went to the Visalia Country Club for a huge family style barbeque. My mom had gone with her friend Nancy earlier and set up our chairs and blankets for our little "camp". There were over a thousand people there. They had lots of jump houses, tattoo/face painting booths and waterslides for the little kids. There was also a live band. Amanda talked to them and ended up singing
The National Athem a capella. What a brave girl! Holden fell asleep at around 7:00 in his stroller. My mom and I came up with a game plan to go behind the clubhouse during the fireworks show, so the loud firework booms wouldn't wake and scare Holden. Well, just after we felt content with our plan Holden woke up SCREAMING! He was not letting up, so my dad took us home at about 8:00. No fireworks for us this year. I went home and put him right to bed. As I was washing bottles, I could kind of see the fireworks from my parent's kitchen window.
On Wednesday morning, my mom and I packed up the car and she drove us back down to San Diego. We had a great time chit-chatting the whole way, and Holden did amazingly well in the back seat. That night we walked to the shopping center near our house for a Mexican dinner and margaritas at Los Cabos. Mom left Thursday morning. We had such a fun time together!

Holden's first pool experience.

Thank goodness for the Exersaucer. A happy baby is a happy mommy!

Holden and Aunt Jill
Nana playing with Mackenzie and Tabatha

Uncle Randy and Amanda

Grandma's enjoying the sun

Holden's just hanging out

The Exersaucer went outside too, so that mommy could enjoy some pool time.

Macekenzie and Tabatha looking oh so cute at the 4th of July BBQ.

Papa Jim got comfy at our little spot!