Today (1/15), Cash is exactly 6 weeks old. We had his one month doctor's visit last week when he was 5 weeks old. He weighed 9 pounds 7.5 ounces (45th %ile) and was 21.25 inches long (75th %ile). His head circumference was 37 cm (25th %ile). He met all of his one month milestones and received his second dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine.
The first two weeks of his life were disillusioning. He nursed every 3 hours and slept like a dream until he was ready to eat again. In his third week, he was awake a little more, wanted to be held a little more, nursed a little more frequently, and had a fussy period in the evenings. In the last 3 weeks, all of those things increased even more to where now he needs to held all day to sleep, and he's nursing every hour sometimes.
I went to see a lactation consultant on Friday, 1/16, because I knew something was not right. The nursing around the clock happened with Holden too. My predictions were confirmed. He is getting about 2 ounces each feeding when he needs between 3 and 5 ounces. He was nursing every hour because that was the only way he could get his required milk. I've been giving him formula and continue to nurse him at night and the first feeding of the morning. I'm pumping during the day and giving him what milk I get. It's been very emotional for me because I really want to nurse him, but I think I have come to terms with doing what is right for him and for our family in general. Trey and Holden were definitely taking the brunt, and were not getting the best me. I'm happy to know what's going on. We have a plan now. The good news is Cash weighed 10 pounds 10 ounces when I weighed him. More weight usually equals more sleep.
Cash has been sleeping in bed with us up to this week, but lately I've been putting him to sleep in his co-sleeper which is next to our bed. He sleeps in there half of the night and in bed with us the other half. I'm sure now that he's getting full during the day, we'll be able to increase his sleeping time in his co-sleeper and decrease the night nursings.
Cash gave us his first social smile on Sunday, January 11th. He smiled three times on Monday, 1/12 and then didn't smile again until I gave him his first full bottle of formula on Friday, 1/16. He finished the bottle, and then looked up at me and gave me the biggest smile. Was that his way of saying, "Thanks, Mom!"?
I love having two boys, but I'm not going to lie - the last couple of weeks have been really hard. Holden still needs a lot of attention too, and I sometimes feel like I can't do it all. Nursing around the clock, holding Cash all day, and caring for Holden - it's been hard. I'm hoping to start establishing a little more of a routine. Cash is still a little young to have a regular routine, but I think having the feedings spaced out will help.
We do think he's a cutie. He looks a lot like his big brother did when he was this age, especially when sleeping. When he's awake he has a little bit of a different look, but I'm not sure how. Trey calls Cash
Little Monkey and
George (for Curious George). Both of those nicknames really irritate Holden. He protests, "He's not a monkey, he's a baby!" and "He's not George, he's Cash."