Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Holden has become so much more articulate with his talking. He's very specific, and has started including a lot of details in his stories. "Daddy and I went to get a coffee and donut today. He share with me - not the coffee, just the donut. I really liked it." He also says cute quirky things that I think just can't be taught. Like today he asked Trey, "Why are you mad on this very beautiful day?" I ask him all the time,"Where did you learn that?" because I just can't believe some of things that he comes up with. He's now returning that question to me, "Where did you learn that Mommy?"

We read a big brother book for a couple of months leading up to Cash's birth. One page talked about how much babies cry, and it said babies cry to tell us something. I used to ask him all the time, "What do you think Cash is trying to tell us?" Up until very recently he would say, "I think he wants milk." or "I think he has a bubble (in his tummy)." Within the last couple of weeks, he's using Cash's crying as a platform to express what HE wants. "I think Cash is trying to tell us he wants to go to the park." or "I think Cash is trying to tell us we should watch a show." or "I think Cash is trying to tell us we should have a treat." Yes, yes, that's exactly what Cash is trying to tell us!

Some of his words and sayings are just a little off too, and I think it's adorable. My friend, Jenn, reminded me that we sometimes make it to adulthood with saying things wrong. I think most of these he'll outgrow, but I love them so much I'm going to keep a list. I'll have to update this post as I remember them because I know I won't be able to remember them all right now.
Word/Phrase = How Holden says it
On your mark, get set, go = On your market, set, go
Forget= Get for (although this is becoming less and less)
Training wheels = Turning wheels

A Happy Sleep Post

So I managed one more night of Cash sleeping in his crib the whole night after the last time I posted. The night after that I asked Trey to please go get him and bring him to bed. I was a walking zombie for the two prior days. So I did that for two nights - brought him back to bed after his first waking which was usually around 11:30. Last night was the best. Cash went down at 8:00 and didn't wake up until 3:50. Almost 8 consecutive hours of sleep! I, of course, was up at all of his usual waking times and checked on him multiple times throughout the night. I hope we've turned a corner and our little guy will make a habit of this!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Last Night

Good news! Cash slept in own crib all night last night. One step in the right direction. The not so good news - he woke up a lot. Trey went out with his friends, which was great by me because I wanted to go to bed early. Here's what our night looked like:
  • Both boys in their own beds asleep by 7:30. Holden wasn't technically asleep but he was tucked in for the night.
  • I took a bath and was in bed by 8:00. I read until 8:30.
  • Cash woke up at 10:30. I nursed him and he went back in his crib quickly and easily.
  • Holden woke up with a nightmare at 11:45. I hadn't counted on him being up too! I layed with him for a minute and then went back to bed.
  • Cash woke up at 12:45. Nursed a little longer this time but was back in bed by 1:30 or so.
  • Cash woke up at 3:30. Nursed and back to crib.
  • Cash woke up at 4:30. I brought him back to bed with me. I was exhausted and knew he wasn't going to sleep. I nursed him in my bed and we fell asleep.
  • Holden woke up at 5:45, climbed in our bed, and begged me to go downstairs with him until I finally gave in at 6:30.
So, you can see - not a lot of sleep for this mama last night. Good thing I tucked in early. The only thing I can think to do differently is feed him formula for his last feeding so it stays with him a little longer. I am going to stick with it - I loved sleeping in my own bed without my arms falling asleep and my side aching from me trying to protect Cash in my bed. I'll keep you posted with our progress.

Friday, January 23, 2009

ATC 70 - It's Running

Trey finished getting the engine put back together. He and Holden are enjoying riding around the neighborhood. For the first couple of days, Trey drove it and let Holden ride in front of him. Next, he taught Holden how use the gas and brake while he steered. Then, he let Holden steer while he rode with him. Finally, Trey adjusted the throttle so it couldn't go much faster than those little electric quads and he let Holden drive all by himself. Trey would walk or jog along side him. I didn't get photos of Holden's first solo mission, but here are some photos of him riding independently on Day 2. Trey got smart and used Houston's leash to attach himself to the 70 so he wouldn't have to chase along side him. I think it also provided drag so he couldn't go as fast. Trey is so very proud of our little rider!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

BOB Duallie

We just got our double stroller, so the boys and I are enjoying daily walks. It really helps all of us to get out of the house everyday!

Mr. Puzzle Worker

Holden has become quite the puzzle worker. I just bought him a box of 20 jigsaw puzzles (10 double sided) from Target in hopes of him keeping himself occupied while I'm with Cash - it worked! I get him started on one or two sides depending on how well he knows the puzzle, and then he can finish the rest. The construction puzzle he can completely work independently now - he loves that one. I'm proud of his focus and problem solving skills, he's really maturing.


On Monday, 1/12 Michelle and I took the boys to a Hullabaloo "concert". Only one of the band members played because the other one has a "real" job. You never would have known someone was missing - he had a room full of toddlers captivated by his music. It was so much fun - we'll definitely be going again. Michelle and I took the boys to a park afterward - it was a great morning!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cash - 6 weeks old

Today (1/15), Cash is exactly 6 weeks old. We had his one month doctor's visit last week when he was 5 weeks old. He weighed 9 pounds 7.5 ounces (45th %ile) and was 21.25 inches long (75th %ile). His head circumference was 37 cm (25th %ile). He met all of his one month milestones and received his second dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine.

The first two weeks of his life were disillusioning. He nursed every 3 hours and slept like a dream until he was ready to eat again. In his third week, he was awake a little more, wanted to be held a little more, nursed a little more frequently, and had a fussy period in the evenings. In the last 3 weeks, all of those things increased even more to where now he needs to held all day to sleep, and he's nursing every hour sometimes.

I went to see a lactation consultant on Friday, 1/16, because I knew something was not right. The nursing around the clock happened with Holden too. My predictions were confirmed. He is getting about 2 ounces each feeding when he needs between 3 and 5 ounces. He was nursing every hour because that was the only way he could get his required milk. I've been giving him formula and continue to nurse him at night and the first feeding of the morning. I'm pumping during the day and giving him what milk I get. It's been very emotional for me because I really want to nurse him, but I think I have come to terms with doing what is right for him and for our family in general. Trey and Holden were definitely taking the brunt, and were not getting the best me. I'm happy to know what's going on. We have a plan now. The good news is Cash weighed 10 pounds 10 ounces when I weighed him. More weight usually equals more sleep.

Cash has been sleeping in bed with us up to this week, but lately I've been putting him to sleep in his co-sleeper which is next to our bed. He sleeps in there half of the night and in bed with us the other half. I'm sure now that he's getting full during the day, we'll be able to increase his sleeping time in his co-sleeper and decrease the night nursings.

Cash gave us his first social smile on Sunday, January 11th. He smiled three times on Monday, 1/12 and then didn't smile again until I gave him his first full bottle of formula on Friday, 1/16. He finished the bottle, and then looked up at me and gave me the biggest smile. Was that his way of saying, "Thanks, Mom!"?

I love having two boys, but I'm not going to lie - the last couple of weeks have been really hard. Holden still needs a lot of attention too, and I sometimes feel like I can't do it all. Nursing around the clock, holding Cash all day, and caring for Holden - it's been hard. I'm hoping to start establishing a little more of a routine. Cash is still a little young to have a regular routine, but I think having the feedings spaced out will help.

We do think he's a cutie. He looks a lot like his big brother did when he was this age, especially when sleeping. When he's awake he has a little bit of a different look, but I'm not sure how. Trey calls Cash Little Monkey and George (for Curious George). Both of those nicknames really irritate Holden. He protests, "He's not a monkey, he's a baby!" and "He's not George, he's Cash."

Cash has lived in the Moby Wrap for the last month.

Riding with No Training Wheels!

On January 8th, Trey took Holden out to practice riding his big boy bike with no training wheels. Since Christmas, they had been practicing and Holden was doing well. Trey would let go for short amounts of time while running behind him, and Holden would ride for short distances independently before falling. Well, on this particular day, Holden was goofing off by being squirrely and silly on his bike. Trey thought, I'm just going to let him go. Let him fall and figure it out. To his surprise, Holden took off around the block, never falling. Trey had to RUN to keep up with him. They came in and got me and I went out to photograph the event. When Holden rode by me, he would yell,"Take a picture, Mom!" Trey still needs to help him get started, but once he's on he just goes! He's even learned to use the brakes to stop. Yes, our kid is not potty trained but he is riding a two-wheeled bike with no training wheels. Go figure!

Doug's Photo Shoot

Doug posted a beautiful slideshow of the boys' photo shoot on his website. Click here to view it.

New Year's Eve

We celebrated New Year's Eve with our neighbors, Jill, Rob, Cole and Aidan. Jill made White Russians that she and Trey enjoyed while Rob and I had red wine. They boys played upstairs, and Cash, like usual was attached to me in the Moby Wrap. At 9:00, we turned on the tv and celebrated the East Coast New Year. We knew we'd all be asleep before actual New Year's hit. The boys had sooo much fun dressing up and using their noise makers. It was cute to watch.


Lori Grace came to visit and meet Cash on Monday, December 29th. Her girls stayed home because they were a little sick. We had the best couple of hours catching up that we didn't even take one photo. Thanks for visiting, Lori!

Anna, Waylon, Avalon, and Anna's mom Patty came to visit and meet Cash on Wednesday, January 31st. The boys played in the driveway with all the toys while we tried to chit-chat. The activity level was pretty high, so most of our conversations were fragmented. Anna made us a delicious lunch - panini's and tomato soup. They left just before nap time and my boy slept oh so good.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Christmas 2008

Holden was up early Christmas morning, and was eager to go downstairs. He was excited to see Santa heard his request for a falling bike and a falling scooter. He even got a new helmet! We had fun opening presents - the big hit was the Handy Manny truck/workshop he got from Nana Judy and Papa Jim. He played with it for over an hour that morning, and still has long play sessions with it to this day. Dad made us a delicious breakfast, and then he took Holden out to ride his new bike. Suprisingly, Holden caught on quickly and was riding for short distances by himself without Daddy holding on. Next we had to go to Children's Hospital to pick up an antibiotic eye oitment for Cash. He developed a goopey eye the night before and that was the only pharmacy open in all of San Diego on Christmas Day. Then we headed up to Tabi and Mike's house for dinner. We had a delicious turkey dinner and a great time catching up with the fam.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Christmas Eve 2008

Having a new baby in the house made Christmas Eve very mellow for our family. We started the evening by decorating Christmas cookies for Santa. Following that we watched a few Christmas movies, Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer I think. After dinner, Holden opened up new Christmas jammies and slippers. He loved them and immediately put right on his teddy bear slippers. Then we wrote Santa our note. Holden thanked him for coming to our house. He told him he wanted a "falling bike" (one with no training wheels) and a "falling scooter" (a two wheel scooter). He said he though Cash wanted "milk and toys". We set out milk and cookies for Santa, and apples and water for the Reindeer. Then we had to go fast to sleep so Santa would come.